Hey guys - been a lurker for a long time, but I have a problem that I'd be interested to see if anyone can help (nowhere else yet has managed!)
I saw my swing on video some years ago, and noticed that at the 9 O'clock position, down the line, my clubshaft is way outside the ball to target line.
Looking at professionals, they all seem to be either at the ball to target line, or inside the ball to target line.
I have tried 101 things to get me in this position and I simply can't manage it. I have tried over cooking the egg and getting it vertical, but it's fruitless.
I initially thought it was me swinging too much around my body, but even if I swing it straight up the clubhead still goes flatter relative to the swing plane of my arms. (also I note Hogan who swung his arms quite flat, but still the shaft is more vertical).
I saw some posts about the twist away and that it can cure an inside siwng-plane, so I brought that and it isn't covered
I brought some others too, but no mention of a flat takeaway (I thought it may be in hooking, but it isn't)
So is there any other causes anyone knows of? For what it's worth I can get myself in the perfect position during practice swings, the club seems to go there naturally. It puzzles me how then, it goes flat during a real swing.
I saw my swing on video some years ago, and noticed that at the 9 O'clock position, down the line, my clubshaft is way outside the ball to target line.
Looking at professionals, they all seem to be either at the ball to target line, or inside the ball to target line.
I have tried 101 things to get me in this position and I simply can't manage it. I have tried over cooking the egg and getting it vertical, but it's fruitless.
I initially thought it was me swinging too much around my body, but even if I swing it straight up the clubhead still goes flatter relative to the swing plane of my arms. (also I note Hogan who swung his arms quite flat, but still the shaft is more vertical).
I saw some posts about the twist away and that it can cure an inside siwng-plane, so I brought that and it isn't covered
I brought some others too, but no mention of a flat takeaway (I thought it may be in hooking, but it isn't)
So is there any other causes anyone knows of? For what it's worth I can get myself in the perfect position during practice swings, the club seems to go there naturally. It puzzles me how then, it goes flat during a real swing.