very low result HELP

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I am a hitter and after playing around with different swing thoughts I have come to the conclusion that my most consistant ball striking is just thinking of picking the club up to the top and driving the ball into the ground with my trail arm. I let my pivot react to that so in other words I don't think of the pivot at all. This helps me not to flip the club thru impact and I get solid impact but I get a very low pull fade. When I say low it is the flight of a 3 iron but with a 5 iron and so on. I am setting up square, weight 50/50, forward press(hands only), trail forearm on plane with Brian's nuetral grip. Any suggestions to what I am missing for a higher and straighter flight.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
you need axis tilt at impact. the trail shoulder needs to go downplane. Also because hitting leads to angled hinging you should be using a slightly stronger grip that brian's neutral grip imo. It would help counteract the lay back effect.

Also make sure you are hitting out on the angle of approach and not trying to use the arc of approach that swingers use.


jim_0068 said:
you need axis tilt at impact. the trail shoulder needs to go downplane. Also because hitting leads to angled hinging you should be using a slightly stronger grip that brian's neutral grip imo. It would help counteract the lay back effect.

Also make sure you are hitting out on the angle of approach and not trying to use the arc of approach that swingers use.

jim_0068 thanks for the advice two questions. I thought when hitting we use the shoulder as a launching pad so I have been keeping it back. Is that why or part of why I am getting a pull? The second question is using the angle of approach is that just hitting the inside back of the ball. I am new to TGM just ordered my yellow book so I am still learning the termonology. Again thanks for the reply.
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