Brianbaby .... maybe you should send me a set of your videos to get a proper objective critique of what you are saying on them. I have heard and shuddered at Top 100 Teachers attempting to use Scientific Terminology and sounding outright stupid because they have absolutely no clue what they are talking about. Hebron, who told me he had a Masters degree in Kinesiology, thanked me personally for correcting him, but now he seems to have regressed back to old bad habits. No matter because there are no great minds in golf, not even Dr. Wiren, engineer Kostis or self-proclaimed golf scientist Jack Kuy***. Golf is devoid of great thought, with the exception of Penick ("Golfers are gullible."). Homer is almost amusing if TGM was not so pitifully presented.
Me bitter?? ... Nah ... lol .... !!!!!!