Vijay's Swing

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I really think Vijay may have the best tempo out there today. I love watching him swing it. I have read he uses the term "seventeen" when he is swinging to help his tempo and if you say it while he swings you can see he really swings to that beat. Has anyone ever seen him hit it live? It looks like he hits so hard and "heavy"
The one part I don't get is how his left wrist breaks down past impact. Weird position.
I really think Vijay may have the best tempo out there today. I love watching him swing it. I have read he uses the term "seventeen" when he is swinging to help his tempo and if you say it while he swings you can see he really swings to that beat. Has anyone ever seen him hit it live? It looks like he hits so hard and "heavy"
The one part I don't get is how his left wrist breaks down past impact. Weird position.

I'd read that as well and everytime he hit a ball Sunday I was saying "seventeen". Watched him at Wachovia last year it was great. Friend of mine and I were playing yesterday and he was talking about how smooth Vijay was (he tends to be rather quick) and I told him about "seventeen" he hit the ball as good as he ever has coming in. In general technical swing thoughts are death on the golf course if your trying to score, but tempo triggers and good targets work everytime (seems to at least) trick is finding your "word" Other good ones I've seen are "Mickey Mouse" "1 & 2" the & is big and "sweet poon tang" sorry but it works the swww really smooths it out. YMMV
Vijay Tempo


Where I read about Vijay and saying "seventeen" was an interview in one of the golf mags. Fulton Allem (sp) said the best tip he ever got was from Vijay who said he says "seventeen" at the top of his swing to get him to pause before/at transition. It keeps him from getting to quick.
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