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Can someone dumb this down a little bit. What is it? Why is it important? My lesson with Brian I was hitting a 7 iron and my VSP was like low to mid 50's and he said it should be like 60. What does that say about my swing? Ways to increase? Etc. THANKS

It's basically the golfer's downswing plane before impact. I believe they measure the sweetspot instead of the shaft, but it's much like measuring if a downswing is on the elbow plane, turned shoulder plane, etc. A golfer on the elbow plane would have a flatter VSP than the same golfer on the turned shoulder plane.


Brian Manzella

The VSP - Vertical Swing Plane

Is the INCLINATION—in degrees—of the TRACK of the SWEETSPOT of the club toward and through impact.

About 3 ft on each side.

Great link, here's a good quote from the man himself:

"Getting the VSP close to the "static fit" lie angle of a particular golfer is very important in some instances.

A low one is a sure sign of the dreaded "swipe" hard low & left.

To raise your VSP, try to either go from FLAT to tumbled steeper from release point to impact, or just try getting the club to exit the impact interval more vertically.

You may find that all of this increases your angle of attack, a sure sign that you are not going from forward bend to backward bend soon enough.

All this has to occur with your normal resultant path and clubface and dynamic loft."

Brian Manzella

The Curtis Pattern

Curtis was the first golfer in quite a while I had PURPOSELY flatten the club on the downswing.

He needs to.

If he does, he will be able to "get on top of it" after the flatten move and his VSP will go up.
Thanks Brian, I've been working on it. I have a feeling I'm flattening it too much however. I'll try to tape a few swings and post them one of these days.
Is the INCLINATION—in degrees—of the TRACK of the SWEETSPOT of the club toward and through impact.

About 3 ft on each side.

so the optimum downswing plane (elbow or tsp) would be the one that allows the golfer to return the club closest to the static lie?
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