WAY Across the Line at the Top

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I understand that swinging across the line at the top slightlly isn't necessarily a bad thing a la Soft Draw, John Daly, etc. However, if your right wrist BENDS (doesn't cock) and the left wrist is fairly flat and you STILL go way across the line at the top...what is happening and how can this be fixed??
I understand that swinging across the line at the top slightlly isn't necessarily a bad thing a la Soft Draw, John Daly, etc. However, if your right wrist BENDS (doesn't cock) and the left wrist is fairly flat and you STILL go way across the line at the top...what is happening and how can this be fixed??

Sounds like a Never Hook Again backswing would help tremendously.

Rotate the left arm, left thumb under the club at the top (soft left wrist).
However, if your right wrist BENDS (doesn't cock) and the left wrist is fairly flat and you STILL go way across the line at the top...what is happening and how can this be fixed??

Natalie Gulbis does it, yes? She is very flexible.
I believe that you would have had to rotate your forearms in a counter-clockwise manner to do what you have described.
The easiest way to for me to get into the position you're describing is by chicken winging my right elbow in the backswing. Whenever I feel like my right elbow is getting away from my chest a little, I take practice swings while trying to hold a driver head cover in my armpit.


JRJ - i have this problem - been driving me mad for years! I think with me i get my lead arm (i'm a lefty) too deep on the way back (points too far behind me ie flat) from there i think i lift and get across the line. I am working on getting my lead arm going more up and less behind.
I have recently cured my across the line problem by focusing on two things.

1. Eliminating an overly armsy swing. My arms were really bad about continuing to swing once my shoulder turn stopped. This caused me to get into a chicken wing position at the top, which forced my right wrist to uncock and my left wrist to be cupped. It might help to think right elbow points down to keep the right elbow a little more under control.
2. Keeping the club a little more out in front of me on the takeaway and initial wrist cock. Once the club gets behind you, it is harder to keep the club from going across the line.

I'm not an instructor, but this is what has worked for me.


We can delete this thread because I was wrong about what I felt and what was REAL.

Just videod my swing and I'm still getting some cupping in my left wrist which is causing my right wrist to cock - grrrrr. I'm also not doing a good job of keeping my left palm neutral going back so all of this is allowing me to overswing my arms and get into a bad position at the top. I'll keep working on it - thanks to everyone trying to help; I'll try some of those ideas
Here is one thing that is commonly overlooked for people who swing way across the line: their right hand grip is too strong. Weaken your right hand grip so it has a more "on top of the shaft" feel, and make sure your left hand is not too strong so it matches your right hand.


Here is one thing that is commonly overlooked for people who swing way across the line: their right hand grip is too strong. Weaken your right hand grip so it has a more "on top of the shaft" feel, and make sure your left hand is not too strong so it matches your right hand.

Thank you Leo. I will definitely give a weaker right hand grip a try! JRJ

We can delete this thread because I was wrong about what I felt and what was REAL.

Just videod my swing and I'm still getting some cupping in my left wrist which is causing my right wrist to cock - grrrrr. I'm also not doing a good job of keeping my left palm neutral going back so all of this is allowing me to overswing my arms and get into a bad position at the top. I'll keep working on it - thanks to everyone trying to help; I'll try some of those ideas


I used to be a "cupper" due to a misaligned broken bone in my right hand spoiling the left backhand position..

I solved it this way...

Pre-swing swing (a bit like Mike Weir)
I swing back to just past my right leg (shaft about horizontal) and at that point I get ALL my wrist cocking over with, by cupping my right wrist until the left wrist is flat.
Once at that point on the actual swing there is nothing else to do but swing to the top with the wrists maintaining the same relationship, no adjustment or addition at all..

I will warn you tho, if you have been guilty of cupping your left wrist at the top, you are going to feel more left wrist stress at the top when you do it right, but you will get used to that...
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