weight in back swing?

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I find myself getting my weight at the top of the backwing out on my toes. Needless to say, this doesn't seem optimal. Where should it be, arch, heel? Thanks.
This is an interesting topic. In the few times where I swung really well there is no question the weight is on my right heel but most of the time I don't and I feel "wobbly" on top of swing. Two of my golf buddies actually have a noticeable right heel-lift on top of swing. Both are natural athletes (hcpd about 10) so I wasn't sure if "weight on right heel" is a necessity (I assumed natural athletes would likely, naturally, gets to optimal positions). Interesting to see what Brian or other instructors has to say on the subject.
I just read a tip from a pro last week where he lifts his right heel just SLIGHTLY off the ground. This allow him to NOT get the weight outside his foot. (I think that's why)
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