Should there be a difference between hitter and swinger regarding the different pivot moves ?
As the hitter rotates more crossline with the hip (outside), should he feel more pressure on the left foot-ball? (My tendency is to feel that).
A friend of mine, who is a real swinger told me to have all the weight pressure on the heel of the left foot at impact.
(Sounds logical because of the different hip rotation of swingers).
Hope to get clarification,
thx Rico
As the hitter rotates more crossline with the hip (outside), should he feel more pressure on the left foot-ball? (My tendency is to feel that).
A friend of mine, who is a real swinger told me to have all the weight pressure on the heel of the left foot at impact.
(Sounds logical because of the different hip rotation of swingers).
Hope to get clarification,
thx Rico