Weight transfer thread?

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We had a thread on here, a few weeks ago, with quite a bit of discussion on weight transfer. I'm damned if I can find it now, although I've tried using the search function.

From memory, there was a lot of discussion on Stack and Tilt, and Foley, ideas about weight transfer. Where the weight was at the top of the backswing and again at impact. I remember very clearly that someone posted pictures of either Bennett or Plummer (I think) swinging whilst standing on pressure plates, with the associated data. There was also much discussion about static and dynamic weight and its measurement.

I'm sure this was all contained within one thread. Then again, I read this stuff late at night and stuff may get muddled from time to time.

Can anyone remember the thread and point me in its direction?




I remember it and you are right...it was a Foley thread, that went on for about 20 pages, principally about his weight distribution ideas. Was Foley saying 80% on left foot at impact? But anyway, I don't recalll SF being on pressure plates. The thread was pre-symposium and was therefore quite active.

Maybe it was mentioned in a "12 new things" discovered at the symposium, but I really don't remember any symposium results on weight transfer. Perhaps Brian and crew can refresh what the outcome was, and/or repost the thread ...perhaps "closed."
thanks dbl - you confirmed that my memory isn't totally gone (yet)

I found this, and it's exactly what I remember
It's more than just Foley - Page 19 - Brian Manzella Golf Forum

But I can't link back to the original thread on this site, or access all of the other pages:(

There were points being made, bets being laid, and a promise to settle things one way or another at the symposium.

Since the symposium, there have been a few references to "dynamic pivot" and shear forces - but I was hoping that we could follow the original issues up now to a conclusion.

I'd still like to go back to that Foley thread and re-read it properly. I wonder why it's been taken down.
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