Weird swing, great results

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I'm trying to figure out what to do with my new driver swing (strong grip, face closed slightly at address). Once again I took it to the course today and had great results. Just a slight draw and it's going around 260-270 yards, with a nice high trajectory. Should I worry about it not being "orthodox"? Do I mess with it? My gut says NO but I don't want to ingrain some huge "band aid" swing. Does anyone else play like this? It just seems so weird.
I'm trying to figure out what to do with my new driver swing (strong grip, face closed slightly at address). Once again I took it to the course today and had great results. Just a slight draw and it's going around 260-270 yards, with a nice high trajectory. Should I worry about it not being "orthodox"? Do I mess with it? My gut says NO but I don't want to ingrain some huge "band aid" swing. Does anyone else play like this? It just seems so weird.

Are you using the same swing with all clubs or just making the adjustment for your driver?


I'm trying to figure out what to do with my new driver swing (strong grip, face closed slightly at address). Once again I took it to the course today and had great results. Just a slight draw and it's going around 260-270 yards, with a nice high trajectory. Should I worry about it not being "orthodox"? Do I mess with it? My gut says NO but I don't want to ingrain some huge "band aid" swing. Does anyone else play like this? It just seems so weird.

How many things work 2 days on the course with the driver:D, but seriously if it ain't broke don't try to fix it. enjoy, worry not!;)
Are you using the same swing with all clubs or just making the adjustment for your driver?

Just driver. Just played a couples best shot and played really well. I'm gonna stick with it. Thanks guys

PS I also went slightly stronger with my irons and I'm hitting them well. But I'm like Zach Johnson strong with the driver and I also close it. I know, weird. But for some reason the combination lets me really get after it and yet still be accurate.
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Go with the results. If you try to pretty-up your good swing you might downgrade it to a pretty-good swing.
I'm gonna try to get a camera so I can see what I'm doing. I'm curious how I can hit it fairly straight with a very strong grip and a closed clubface.


If you have a very strong grip together with a closed clubface it means you have a strong grip beyond belief.Square up the clubface and have a look at your grip.

I suppose you could still hit the ball straight.My guess it that you cannot full roll or horizontal hinge in TGM speak.You would need to reverse roll(vertical hinge).


New impact if you were wearing a watch on your left wrist the face of the watch would be facing away from you rather than at the target.
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