What a difference 5 years makes

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Left Image - 2007 US Open
Right Image - 2002 US Open

Pic 2002 is slightly later in the swing than pic 2007

Steeper shoulder angle in 2002, plus less forearm rolling through impact.....but then again we don't know what shot Tiger was trying to hit in each pic and whether he is using the same club in both shots...

Ant more?....
I was actually being facetious. There is very little different in Tigers swing despite supposedly going through a major swing change that he's now mastered. He still has the same Tiger squat, same chasing finish, and high amount of spine angle. All the things that make Tiger... Tiger.

Chris Sturgess

New member
The main difference in those photos is that he is rolling his right ankle in in the current one and twisting it mashed potatoes style in the old one. I don't think that really matters though. I lot of people do, but they are talking about hacker who reverse pivot, spin out and slice, which of course doesn't apply to Tiger.
Tiger's trying to Hoganise himself.

and not doing a very good job of it, if you ask me.... (I did witness one of the greatest ball striking rounds of all time yesterday by Tiger, but even still...if they are using Hogan as the "model" they are missing a few MAJOR things)

His foot work is better in the first picture BTW. I also am being very picky.
His eye line is a bit too right of his line too in the first pic. I would say he was hitting a draw in that photo.
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