What are your backswing thoughts?

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For those of you who think about your backswing, what are your swing thoughts for getting into a good position at the top? For those of us who resist the parallel lines (Haney), I read one recently that made a lot of sense...feel like you are rolling a bowling ball down your toe line to your right with the left hand to start the backswing (for right hand golfers of course). This keeps me from rolling the club to the inside and prevents pop-out.

I would be interested in hearing about others as well.
Turn my left shoulder down into my right foot.

I think that too many thoughts = too long and loose backswing.

By the time your brain registers it, you're way beyond what you're thinking about consciously.
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wow... sounds just like me... hitting bombed fades?:D except, i also think LCT.

Yeah, I add a little LCT with the driver as well. Not so much with the irons though. As I mentioned in another thread, I've sorta gravitated towards the "middle" with my irons (I think). Still a little hit and miss with the driver though. Sometimes I think I overdue the LCT to try and get more power and I can run into trouble, like push fades. :( A few weeks ago my driver was smok'n down the fairway, needless to say it ain't no more.
Turn my left shoulder down into my right foot.

I think that too many thoughts = too long and loose backswing.

By the time your brain registers it, you're way beyond what you're thinking about consciously.

Savy - that is my exact thought! The weird thing is, the only time I need to think about it is with my driver:confused: When I'm over the irons, I can't really say that I think about anything...and I hit my irons much better than my driver. I just have a ton of confidence over the irons & hybrids, but a good amount less than that with my driver::(
Think about moving the left shoulder behind the ball a'la Ballard advises.
Left shoulder being the lats, pecs, triceps, biceps, and deltoid.

Keep the hands, wrists, forearms and shoulders as relaxed as possible, following Knudson's adage, "don't play golf to relax, relax to play golf." This soft feeling forces the use of the larger muscles.

I'd worked pretty hard years ago at keeping the triangle and center working together until the shaft was parallel to the ground and target; on-plane... before the deltoids begin raising the arms and for me the wrists begin their natural hinging motion.

Once the swing is moving due to the shoulder pack, and at the speed of the torso on plane, I don't think of anything further except getting the club to the finish on the through swing.
The swing is too damn short for any more thinking than that (while playing).
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I just think to get my belt buckle and club head to move together straight back and up and not behind my shoulder(in front of it) and down the wall.
I simply think, "Be athletic". Forgetting to be athletic and making a lazy swing is what cooks my goose. I picture the shot and try to execute. I play golf in the mountains of East Tennessee. You have to adjust your stance and your swing to tilted circumstances, so to speak. I lived in the flatland section of North Carolina years ago. Golf is easier from level lies.

The other day I hit a 130 yard low drawing, chocked down, 6 iron out from under a tree and on to the green ten feet from the pin. What were my backswing thoughts? Who knows. I just played a shot I have known for like 40 years. Also hit a faded 4 iron out around a tree into the fairway. Same thing. I had no thoughts other than setup, and then hit the fade with a hold off.

I hit enough balls that I don't need to think much about what swing pattern I am using with irons.

Driver? Now that's another story. Working on Brian's advise and sometimes I pull it off, sometimes I don't. That's golf.
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