Just a little background. I've always been an inconsistant ball striker but for the most part I could at least play the game decently. My main faults were always fat shots with my irons and pushing my irons out to the right. Driving the ball was not as much of a problem for me as I could do that pretty well. I was getting frustrated with my lack of consistant contact so I took some lessons from a well respected pro in the area about 3 months ago and he had me hitting my irons better than ever. Fast Forward about a month and I noticed that I started topping my irons hitting them thin but still for the most part hitting better than I ever had. But now I'm a complete disaster. I can barely make contact with my irons as they just squirt off the face and roll about 50 yards if I'm lucky. If I hit 300 drivers 300 will fade off to the right and about 190 yards. When I attempt to hit a fairway wood off the ground I pretty much completely miss the ball. For whatever reason i can not get back to even my inconsistant level before lessons. I would kill for pushing every iron to the right with the occasioanal good shot at this point. Anybody have any experiences with this and how do I get out of this Hell?!?