What is slack?

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Brian, I remember reading a post of yours where you said someone had too much slack in their top of their backswing (there was a picture posted)
Does this mean that at the top of the backswing, one should have a feeling of the right shoulder (rt handed) and the left arm feel as close together as possible, with the right elbow tucked in to the body.
Can you please explain what you meant by slack. I know very little about TGM, but I gather this is a general topic, not just a TGM thing.
I think slack means at the top of the backswing, any unecessary move is the slack, i.e. arms still moving up as the shoulder stops turning, therefore if on the downswing any parts that can move without creating other part to move is slack.

Brian: so is it possible to have a backswing such that no slack created? If you use a right arm takeaway, no head movement or unnecessary movement, isn't it true that no slack make and therefore from the top, every parts move together and no indidiviual movement needed? like hip slide to start the downswing?
Top post Ryan. I have seen Yoda prescribe the small hip slide and describe it as a taking up of the slack, so am thinking it may still have relevance. I look forward to Brians comments.
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