What is the most difficult thing to learn in the swing?

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My vote:

The combination of lagging the sweetspot and swiveling properly just after impact.

I either lag the sweetspot and overdo the horizontal hinge and pull or, in an effort not to pull it so much, lag the hosel a bit and hit one off the heel.
Hardest to teach = How to pay attention to yourself.

Hardest to learn = How to stay relaxed without tensing up for impact.
We did this one already and I think last time around Mike Finney said "Clubface control with tournament or money on the line" to a general consensus.

Brian Manzella said:
Combining the proper amounts of Axis Tilt & Rotation, and the "hit" without losing the Tilt.

That's the athletic part eh?

My vote is for the pivot.

How to use the body correctly independent of the arms. Using the gorund to load up the upper body to swing or drag the club without hitting it from the top.
Most difficult thing to learn for a beginner is having the hands work independently of the rest of the body.


If you have time could you explain this a bit more. Does your point involve carrying the hands forward at impact or something else I haven't thought of?

I guess I am confused because being a long time flipper, I try to 'feel" like my hands are more quiet and just along for the ride.

I often wonder if my feelings are actually figments of my imagination since percieved changes in feeling seldom ever show up as looking diffeent on video or make much difference in my ball flight.


New member
Most difficult thing to learn for a beginner is having the hands work independently of the rest of the body.
I completely agree--this was the case for me in golf and tennis. For me, it was getting the body to aid in providing the proper alignments and flow of the hands and arms--if that makes any sense; and into and through contact, the body responds to what the hands and arms are doing


Can you?

My vote:

The combination of lagging the sweetspot and swiveling properly just after impact.

I either lag the sweetspot and overdo the horizontal hinge and pull or, in an effort not to pull it so much, lag the hosel a bit and hit one off the heel.
Rotating without steering and releasing.
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