What is the target?

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What is the target? The place you are trying to hit it (ala Rotella), the aiming point, or something else?


Focus. What is your target. Rotella wants you to focus on the smallest possible target like a leaf or small brown area in the distance.


quote:Originally posted by bcoak

Focus. What is your target. Rotella wants you to focus on the smallest possible target like a small brown area in the distance.
If you get good you could end up with a lot of crappy lies if you play that way:D There are different targets. where you are aiming to fly the ball some players see a hole at the apex of their flight that they aim at . Where you are looking to strike the ball inside aft quadrant . Where you are directing your hands to be at impact. Each will have varying significance depending where your game is at and what works for you.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
1) I look at where i want the ball to end up after my very small draw

2) then i aim at where i want the start

3) i align myself to that point with something very close to me like a tee or a leaf on the ground.

Then i just strike the inside back corner of the ball

Your aim the toe line first then align the club face


Your aim the club face first then you align your toe line

While you are aiming, where do you put your eye point from?


My target is to flatten the ball into the ground with the clubface.Not what actually happens but what it feels like.
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