What the h**l...(Vijay)

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What's up with Vijay's swing in this sequence???
His wrist is so very arched at the top (clubface very closed). First...I do not understand how it is humanly possible to hit a fade from this position. Second...How come his swing looks so different now- in the new Golf Digest (with him on the cover) there's a pic of him at the top...his wrist is very bent (cupped). He says he has not changed anything with his swing for a long time...


I don't get it.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
He might've been trying to hit a draw...if you look at redgoat's other pictures his left wrist is slightly cupped and the face is about parallel to his left forearm like it should be.
The arched position at the top might've been footage of Vijay from a couple of years back. when he had a tendency to get shut and a little laid off at the top. His position at the top is one of the things he's worked very hard on over the last couple of years.
Sure. Watch Tiger when he hits a fade. He'll take it outside more and rotate through while "holding off" the face from closing, depending on how much fade he wants. That's how he hits those beautiful high, soft 2-irons that go high, land and sit. Darren Clarke also does this when he wants to work a left-right shot.
quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

Ya that's true...this one looks better:

quote: He might've been trying to hit a draw...

Do some pros actually change their swings like that to hit draws???
(vs. changing your setup)

Shudder, bad swing sequence of Vijay there, glad he has changed that... Look at the major loss of spine angle, still gets it right through the impact area as with most good players, but what a complicated way to get there lol.
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