What your best Over-The-Top drill ???

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I have started slicing the ball again. They are normally straight slices or push slices and my divot is going left. They are not real bad but I would like to get them on my target line.

During my lesson today I was hitting my driver 200 yards carry on a water range with a 10-20 yard slice. At the end of the lesson it was much worse. I did not agree with the teacher as he was using the old ball flight laws. He said my straight slice was an open club face. I listened for a while but then I had to speak up. He did not know anything about the "new" or correct ball flight laws.

I did agree with he after hitting some irons my path needs work. And I really don't want to see him again if he wants to teach me the wrong stuff.

So what's your best over-the-top drill??

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Thanks for the replies.

I thought the ball starts on the face angle and curves opposite the path angle relative to the face. So in my case, if the ball starts straight and then curves right, my face was straight compared to my target line and my path was out-to-in. Am I not correct?

I have most of Brian's videos. Would NSA or Soft draw be best for me? Brian mentioned Soft draw for some OTT drill which I will view today.

Thanks for the replies.

I thought the ball starts on the face angle and curves opposite the path angle relative to the face. So in my case, if the ball starts straight and then curves right, my face was straight compared to my target line and my path was out-to-in. Am I not correct?

I have most of Brian's videos. Would NSA or Soft draw be best for me? Brian mentioned Soft draw for some OTT drill which I will view today.


You are correct that your face is pointing at the target. But, it is open to the path, and therefore the ball slices.

So, you have both a path and a face problem currently. What everyone is saying about the face is this: You're face is open somehow in your hands, so you square it up with your OTT path. If you swung on a normal path with the face that's open in your hands, you would hit a massive right to right shot. By coming OTT, you square the face up to the target, but leave it open to the path. As a result, the ball slices.

If you square the face properly in your hands, with a better matching up of your left hand and the club face, your current path would likely produce a massive pull hook, or a straight left shot.


Correct. Ball starts where Face is pointing. The path spins the ball. Sounds like the face is a little open to the path.


As far as drill go, I think the OTT move is actually grounded in how you grip the club and what the face is doing. That's why so many people here are strong advocates of fixing the face.

Secondly, is your start down move. Often slicers have poor pivots or let the right shoulder and/or hips mess up the swing. This sets them on a steep path that makes hitting the ball from the inside very challenging. Some mirror work will help for sure. I also like inside approach type devices that make you shallow out the club and swing to the inside. Naturally you can still have a lot of face issues even when you swing to the inside.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
As many have said while your path is too left in the majority of cases with slicers it's because your face is too open and you are compensating. We like to fix your face FIRST then adjust your path to get you back on the right track; 9/10 times this is the best way to do it.
I have more then a couple in the Soft Draw Pattern 1.0

Why Soft Draw and not NSA?

I would've guessed a dose of twistaway, swinging under the stick and some rock em sock em left shoulder would be the prescription.

I'm wondering because I have what he has and I'm watching NSA. (I've got Soft Draw too though).

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Why Soft Draw and not NSA?

I would've guessed a dose of twistaway, swinging under the stick and some rock em sock em left shoulder would be the prescription.

I'm wondering because I have what he has and I'm watching NSA. (I've got Soft Draw too though).

He asked "what the best over the top drills were" and Brian is correct, there are a bunch in soft draw.
A classic "over the top" downswing is almost always a result of an open clubface and usually (almost always) includes an early release or casting downswing. Close up the face and you take away the benefit of both the early release as well as the "over the top" downswing. A few low-lefters and you'll be delaying your release and swinging more toward the target.

I love having a student hold the club out in front of them "toe up" and have someone else rotate the clubface closed about 20 degrees and then have the student regrip. Instinctively, a student will work more under on the downswing and hold the face open through impact...the opposite of what they are currently doing...a variation of one of Brian's Building Blocks drills.
Thanks everyone. I took a few practice swings in the mirror and I am cupping my wrist in my backswing. Looks like I am back to a twistaway and the other elements of NSA. My swing is much better than 2 years ago when I first watched NSA. Hopefully it's just a small tweak to get back to neutral flight. I have been focusing so much on my downswing plane and path, but now my face is opening slightly during my backswing.
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