whatever happened to the old reverse K finish?

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Just wondering why nobody has this type of finish anymore, Jack, Seve, weiskopf, watson, Miller, so many guys played well. I know modern teaching likes more rotation, but I would assume this type of move would still work for a lot of players.
Just wondering why nobody has this type of finish anymore, Jack, Seve, weiskopf, watson, Miller, so many guys played well. I know modern teaching likes more rotation, but I would assume this type of move would still work for a lot of players.

It's been associated with back/hip problems. I'm not an expert so I don't know if this is the reason but Jack had back problems and both Jack and Tom Watson have artificial left hips now.
yeah, I'm sure it's tougher on the back, although maybe easier on the knees. Such a graceful looking swing though..
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