What's the reason that upright swinging can give you more distance

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I noticed that too.

Upright swings tend have swing plane axis at/near the shoulders
Compared to flatter swing planes that the axis near the waist/hip.

So the point of rotation near the shoulders would be the cervical spine.
The point of rotation for the hip would be near the lumbar spine.

The cervical spine and shoulders can turn must more freely than the lumbar/hips
The upright planes tend to have wider arc, more potential for club have increase the swing speed.
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Maybe it is just easier to support the weight of the club on an upright plane than on a flatter plane. I know that I feel that it takes me less effort to swing on an upright plane than on a flatter plane.
Because you have more armswing. Flatter swings tend to rely more heavily on the pivot bringing the arms to impact. With upright swings you actually have to swing your arms to get them to the ball.
Interesting topic. Is there a long drive competitor with the top of his backswing on the same plane as his shoulder (i.e., one plane swing look)?

They might not get their hands as high as Jack at the top of their backswing, but their hands aren't low (ex. Kuchar). I suspect that if a flatter swing at the top of the backswing would generate more clubhead speed these guys would do it.

135+ clubhead speed is simply incredible and I can't even fathom how they do it.
Interesting topic. Is there a long drive competitor with the top of his backswing on the same plane as his shoulder (i.e., one plane swing look)?

They might not get their hands as high as Jack at the top of their backswing, but their hands aren't low (ex. Kuchar). I suspect that if a flatter swing at the top of the backswing would generate more clubhead speed these guys would do it.

135+ clubhead speed is simply incredible and I can't even fathom how they do it.

exactly what I mean. I think my head exploded when I think about this.
Interesting topic. Is there a long drive competitor with the top of his backswing on the same plane as his shoulder (i.e., one plane swing look)?

They might not get their hands as high as Jack at the top of their backswing, but their hands aren't low (ex. Kuchar). I suspect that if a flatter swing at the top of the backswing would generate more clubhead speed these guys would do it.

135+ clubhead speed is simply incredible and I can't even fathom how they do it.

There are a couple, but they're in the vast minority. You won't see it much, especially with guys who make a full shoulder turn; if you don't make a 90*+ shoulder turn at the top, it will make your hands appear lower/flatter than they would if you made a longer swing (Mike Dobbyn, who won in '07 is an example of this). Way more high hands than low hands.
I had something written up and I clicked refresh all...

My spirits being broken, I may need time to recover...



sad face.
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