Which is best?

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Red line is path of clubhead and white is elbow plane. Which is best or does it not matter because of parrallax?


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Actually I was trying to show how the clubheads came into impact versus the elbow plane: right down it-under it and above it. After your question I watched the swings and discovered that Kelly dropped the hands down on the elbow plane pretty fast where Johnson and Waite pretty much followed the TSP coming down yet their clubhead paths were much different. So which do you like better or is it more of refine what ever plane you're naturally closer too? From a common sense approach it would seem to me that coming down the TSP would have more power because there's no shift. Oh, I fixed Johnson.
Again but this time white line is elbow plane, red is path of hands and yellow is TSP.



Sorry for the inaccurate hand path as it's hard to tell where to click on the hands to show path.
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