Which Video to get?

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Which Manzella Video to get?

Have been reading for awhile on here now, would like to get an instructional DVD that has some more details what discussed here and see what might help me. Any recommendations ?

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Which video ?

I would start with Confessions of a former flipper.You can watch it 100 times and learn something new each time or till it soaks in.A must see and a classic
ok how about the new one posted at the top of the forum
Never Slice Again! 2.0 ? does that include the flipper info? or is there a package deal or anything?

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Brian offers a package deal for all of his videos. PM him and I'm sure he'll take care of you

The package includes
Never Slice Again
Never Hook Again
Confessions of a former Flipper
Over & Out (bunker short)
It may also include Do It Right and Building Blocks, I'm not sure.
any other recommedations, i left brian PM but havent heard anything back



Don't get me wrong as I think all of Brian's video's are golden, but if I could get only one, I would start with "Flipper" as it deals with, IMHO, the most critical instant in the swing and that is impact. Having that flat left wrist is imperative to making solid contact and compressing the ball which will cure a mulitude of ills in the swing, both short game and long.

In the meantime, have you popped over to YouTube and watched the video's that Brian has posted there? These are great and just full of great swing instruction. Can't beat the price either!
Personally I would go for Ben Doyle's $100 DVD or rent one of his DVDs. I learned a ton from that DVD and he does a great job of explaining several golfing machine concepts (sustain the lag).

Additionally, I've seen a few of Brians videos and you can't go wrong there either. If you haven't already check out his youtube.com videos, there is a ton of great stuff on those.
seems like the flipper one is popular, ive seen the online stuff already and found it usefull. Any other recommendations? still havent heard from Mr Manzella guess he didnt get my PM ?

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