whippy tempomaster

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I have one...and use it occasionally...I have the pamphlet and
the video...I believe it's supposed to teach lag...but I'm not sure
what I'm getting out of it?
It's extreamly impressive on learning a smooth transition and consistent accelleration on the forward swing. Any jerkiness will wreak havoc.


quote:Originally posted by drewitgolf

It is designed for swingers, using linear acceleration (rope handle technique).

That would be Longitudinal Acceleration, Drew, i.e., Pulling the Butt End of the Clubshaft lengthwise toward the Plane Line and causing the Clubshaft to act as a piece of string, or "Rope." Linear Acceleration would be the Hitter's procedure, i.e., Right Arm Thrust against the Axe Handle (2-K).:)
Holenone, In swing procedure, could you elaborate on where you are pulling the butt end to? I'm not clear on this. Do I pull the butt end to a low point beyond the ball or am I pulling it more down the target line? Am I trying to acheive a feeling that I am stretching the rope, as, if it were a telescope? And where do I direct that stretch ,if so? Thanks in advance.
holenone wrote:
"That would be Longitudinal Acceleration, Drew, i.e., Pulling the Butt End of the Clubshaft lengthwise toward the Plane Line and causing the Clubshaft to act as a piece of string, or "Rope." Linear Acceleration would be the Hitter's procedure, i.e., Right Arm Thrust against the Axe Handle (2-K)."

Sorry, my mistake. "Longitudinal" as opposed to "radial" acceleration.


quote:Originally posted by holenone

quote:Originally posted by drewitgolf

It is designed for swingers, using linear acceleration (rope handle technique).

That would be Longitudinal Acceleration, Drew, i.e., Pulling the Butt End of the Clubshaft lengthwise toward the Plane Line and causing the Clubshaft to act as a piece of string, or "Rope." Linear Acceleration would be the Hitter's procedure, i.e., Right Arm Thrust against the Axe Handle (2-K).:)


One minor(perhaps major) point of confusion requires your or someone's wisdom. By longidtudinal pulling of the clubshaft, I assume that one pulls in the direction the butt end of the club is pointing to, at the plane line. For some reason, I have heard and read (ibeleive also on the TGM forums)about pulling the buttend of the club towards the ball, but that looks to me to be a radial pull.

For example, a pro who can get clubshaft parallel to the target line at the end of the backstroke, , would pull the clubshaft directly opposite the target, parallel to the target line for a longitudinal pull. If he were to pull the clubshaft directly towards the ball or aiming point, he would be pulling radially, not longidutinally, wouldn't he?

My backswing ends where the buttend of the club points at a point about 4-5 ft to the right of the ball along the target line. I f I had a flashlight pointed there, should the initial pulling direction be at the point where the flashlight beam hits the target line? If so, how does one do that and at the the same time aim and pull PP#3 toward the aiming point. Confusing to me .
See 10-23-A. Retrace the arc from the End of the backswing to the Top, and then straight line path to the ball(or other aiming point).
I have one. A whippy tempomaster is nothing more than a tippy wimpomaster in my book. I have a barrel full of training aids in my backyard, maybe 1000 dollars worth. I twas the phase I was in for 3 years. I would google search training aids and started to despair when I could not find one I had never heard of or bought. During this 3 year odyssy of seeking improvement through this method, I probably went from a 9 to 11. I now have 2 in my backyard I use diligently. A rope and a headless axe handle. By understanding primarily what my right arm and hand must do to swing each one effectively, I have bocome a minor god.
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