Who has a home hitting room?

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Just wondering who here has ever put up a decent, permanent hitting net in their home and what features you added to it to make it better. Also how long did you use it before taking it down.

In my own case, I converted one of my garage bays into a hitting area and I used several layers of discarded, woven mesh tennis wind screen which I found was most efficient to absorb the impact. Using the open web commercial golf netting was useless because it shredded in no time flat!

My garage ceiling height was just a tad over 10 feet so I was able to clear it in my followthru to finish, but occasionally I did graze the ceiling! I stood about 12 feet from the netting which was about an 8 foot wide curtain so slices and shanks were minimized.. but a few balls did miss the netting! Balls just rolled down the mesh netting and collected in the netting on the floor.

I set it up with three rubber tees for driving, and soft carpet samples for irons. I also picked up a large, surplus, full length mirror which I mounted at an angle in front of me. Couldn't look into the mirror and hit balls effectively.

I banged away during the winters using very cheap and soft golf balls from Korea, because the frozen Rockflites would rocket up to the ceiling before it hit the netting... and hitting hard balls was loud and painful. The garage is unheated, but it was no problem after you heated up swinging.

Hitting daily not only helped my swing, it let me release my daily frustrations with a good workout. Should have started playing 30 years sooner ....;)
Have one.

Archery netting will laugh at any ball speed.

5 camera setup (which rarely gets used).

Flightscope monitors what the ball/club are doing. Easy to get good at bad things without something to see what the cameras can't.
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That's a lot more sophisticated than my primitive setup, but when I started, there were no launch monitors, only those electro-magnetic hitting mats that tried to read clubhead orientations through impact.

When I started, I knew how to walk the course... I couldn't swing nor hit the ball with any consistency. That's why I played a lot of solo evening golf on an empty golf course hitting a dozen balls too, in the season. In the winter it was the hitting room and occasionally the dome range.
Archery netting huh...70 bucks on ebay? Sounds a lot better than the super expensive ones at golf galaxy or the like. I missed my chance when they had them at Ross. Thinking of building one myself. Range balls getting ridiculous, even though most of the time it's free.

Is there a nice mat that's thick enough to hit off concrete? The ones I have are nowhere near thick enough and will destroy my wrists.
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Archery netting huh...70 bucks on ebay? Sounds a lot better than the super expensive ones at golf galaxy or the like. I missed my chance when they had them at Ross. Thinking of building one myself. Range balls getting ridiculous, even though most of the time it's free.

Is there a nice mat that's thick enough to hit off concrete? The ones I have are nowhere near thick enough and will destroy my wrists.

The True Feel mats are the bees knees. With other mats, what I've found that works really well in taking the shock off the wrists (and other joints) is putting you mat on those playroom foam rubber tiles like these...

The True Feel mats are the bees knees. With other mats, what I've found that works really well in taking the shock off the wrists (and other joints) is putting you mat on those playroom foam rubber tiles like these...

Hm...I've got some of those but I don't know if the wife will approve of me taking the baby's mats and using them for golf. I can't make a room, and our little condo has no real lawn in the back, just concrete patio. I'll look into it. Thanks, Mike.
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TrueStrike mats. Made in easy to arrange/re-arrange sections. Great for LH/RH use in front of FlightScope/Trackman.

Gel hitting section seems to virtually eliminate shock & vibration. Feels like fairway.

Tested one yesterday. Awesome. Probably expensive.


For those who have a home hitting net facility.... how often do you use it and do you use it regularly?

I used it daily, or nightly, in the winter and it became an obsession. I would sneak into the garage and hit for about an hour... for about 10 winters ... which means about 3650 hours of hitting.

If I didn't do that, I would not have been able to develop and maintain a consistent golfswing. My basketball and tennis skills seemed inherently instinctive, but the golfswing easily deteriorated with layoff. Perhaps it's because I developed my golfswing later in life and it was not fully embedded in my brain and neuro-muscular system.

I marvel at obviously obese tour pros with bulging bellies performing at such a high level. I attribute that to the fact that they learned their golfswing when they were young and slimmer and their neuro-muscular networks could compensate for their extra weight.


I am going to have to pick up some archery netting. I have been hitting foam balls into the back of my garage door in the winter. I am guessing that I could just make a curtain out of the netting and be able to pull it across and hit regular balls into it. Next fall I will be looking for this stuff.
That is exactly how I have it setup, Eye. I have it on d-rings so I can use it indoors or can detach/re-attach it on a line out back.

West Coast Netting is where I got mine from, and would buy from them again. They sell by the square foot so you can get any size/shape you need with any edging to fit your setup. I got mine in black, but will get the next one in white. The black gets the balls dingy pretty quickly.
My Man Cave -- I never thought you would ask!

Full hitting net – 3 layers of net
Accustrike mat
Regular mat
Fairwaypro spring device/ mat– my favorite
Laptop PC
Casio original exslim ex1
Portable lighting stand
Explanar swing plane trainer/exerciser
Plane Board
Putting practice area
Somax hip trainer
Leadbetter – the coach swing exerciser/trainer
Speed chains – 3 versions/types
Max rack Weight rack, weights, bench
Elastic Bands, chains
True treadmill w TV
Total gym
Slate pool table
Table Tennis Table
50 In LCD
Pearl Drum kit
Misc clubs and training devices too many to list and more
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