Who is the BEST teacher of all time?

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Homer Kelley - he was the first to document all the pieces of the puzzle

Ben Doyle - he can show the pieces in a way that can be understood and is clear to most

Ben Hogan - his book has ALL the pieces for one picture of the swing, despite not being as clear, all he needed to add\convey was an understanding of lag and pressure points IMO

Morris, Ernest Jones, Toski - old school, but at the head of the pack

Knudson/Moe Norman - no one has the swing down the the basics better than they do (I'd add E. Jones there too) - because they both understood that balance and a swinging force was the glue that holds it all together

And special mention to folks like Hebron, who have created collections of swing knowledge over time, and shared them in their books.

Brian Manzella

That's agood list ED, very good (Toski I would leave out, though).

I think Ben Doyle is the BEST of all-time because he is the MOST copied successfully.


Why would you leave out toski? I think his 'skill' is the ability to convey 'feel', although I wouldn't consider him 'better' than anyone else on that list.


And while I wouldn't consider them in the 'best' category, George Hibbard, and Dante have most of the pieces too (I just don't think they realize it, or convey them as well).
quote:Originally posted by EdZ

And while I wouldn't consider them in the 'best' category, George Hibbard, and Dante have most of the pieces too (I just don't think they realize it, or convey them as well).

George Hibbard? Mentioned with Dante? Mentioned at all???

I'm puking.


Yes, however he has all the pieces, he just doesn't quite see the picture - that was my point - as I said, he isn't in the 'best' category.


Best teacher in the world for me is me....

Teachers can only teach pupils to become their own best teacher...


quote:Originally posted by mgjordan

Who do you think is the best teacher of all time and why?

To a degree I agree with Eminem's comment. On a personal basis I found that the Ben Doyle tape has helped me a lot. I have also learned a lot from Brian on this and other forums as well as Chuck Evans as well as some other posters. Most of this is TGM based so the source is Homer Kelley . So I guess given the amount of effort he put in working out his ideas and the results of his work . He must be considered the Isaac Newton of golf and the best teacher of all time without a peer.
George Kelnhofer in Atlanta ..He is a GSED.
Homer gave us something worth teaching.
WHO IS YODA ____He knows G.O.L.F.
Brian helped me to understand how to cure an open face and other things.


Best Teacher of all time?

We will never know as we will never have the privilege of being taught by all of the Teachers of "all time".

Em's post get pretty close to it in the final analysis. We can all have our personal "favourite Teacher" but in essence you are your own Teacher once you begin the search for knowledge, its assimilation, acceptance and rejection.
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