why did this work?

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Yesterday on the range, I placed a shaft halfway between my toe line and the ball/target line to monitor where my clubhead-shaft went post impact. I wanted to keep the clubhead from coming on my side of this shaft to see what would happen. these things i noted were the results:

1. The clubshaft at post impact was tilted at the same angle as my spine, ala Mark Evershed or Chris Demarcco.

2. The feeling was that if the head of my club came apart from the shaft, it would be slung out into right field.

3. The re-cock at post impact was very fast and up, sort of a topspin tennis stroke.

4. the autograph line of onlookers was 15 deep, mostly chicks, summer-tanned and smiling coyly.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
The more you swing to the right, the higher the finish usually.

The more you swing left, the lower and more around the finish usually.


Brian Manzella

I have played golf a 1000 different ways.

But the BEST I ever played was with angled Hinging.

When you "get it going" with NO roll.....you get on A roll....

...and that's when the "latest models" 'come out of the showroom."
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