why do i hit my 3 wood just as far as i hit my driver

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please help
i went and had my swing checked by a local golf company
they said i needed a reg flex high loft low kick driver
so i got one a mcs shaft reg flex with a highly golf head 12* loft i get the driver go to the driving range then i slice the ball i fix that ball pisition and alignment but i only get about 200-230 yards i hit my perfect spoon 200-210
im realy gitting frustrated my swing speed is 80-95 pretty smooth

thanks in advance
perfect spoon

it is one of the perfect clubs they have a hybrid 3/4 iron 18* ,5/6iron 24*
,21* and a 3 wood hybrid 18* they call the 3w a spoon pretty new clubs
In all seriousness, if you are hitting a good 3w 210 and a good drive 230, that sounds about right. What are you expecting?
i want more distance with my driver

i mean i thought that different swings need different clubs i hit my dunlop loco pro 230 my swing speed like i said is 80-90 i thought some one thats swing speed is 100 needs a stiff flex i thought that different flexs kick point and launch supose to make every thing equal thats why i got the club fit to me to get more distance so what im getting unless i speed up my swing speed
and go up to stiff flex im not going to get anymore distance

Chris Sturgess

New member
It's probably your swing not the shaft. You are probably hitting the driver with too much of a descending blow which despite what short hitting golfing machine guys like Bobby Clampett or somebody say, is a bad idea. A descending blow with the driver will make your launch angle too low and your spin rate too high with the driver robbing you of distance and it will make you launch angle about right with a 3 wood.


I know this says Manzella only but I have a similar issue. I can hit my driver a tad bit further than my 3w (when I hit a good drive) but my swing speed is the same with both. I'll swing an average of 103mph with the 3w and then I'll get the driver and do the same or less. If I swing out of my shoes I can get the 3w up to 111 but if I try the same with the driver I can never get over more than if I swing normal. Driver carry distance is 15-30 yards further than the 3w on normal swings but keeping the drives playable with a driver is a struggle. I've tried multiple drivers and shaft combos. It's gotten to the point that the driver stays at home or in my bag and I simply tee off with the 3w.

Is this a mental block. I can hit straight drives at the range but you put me on a tee box over a ball and I may pull it, slice it, drop kick it, sky it, or it may actually go straight. With the 3w I can hit almost every fairway and be consistently 230-250yds (depending on roll) from the tee box.
Hard to say, maybe you are trying too hard with the driver. Is your address different between the driver & 3w? Do you try to swing differently?

I hardly ever practice with a driver at driving range. I hit 5w off the deck when I practice. Maybe hit a couple of drives & 3w off tee just to check. Essentially the same swing for them, just the setup changes slightly with the ball being teed up.

Edit - Sorry - I just noticed after I'd posted that it was supposed to be for Manzella Academy only.
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Chris Sturgess

New member
What's a 3 wood?

My bag: Driver-----18* hybrid, 27* hybrid, 5I-to-PW(50*)----58*

Remember when you used to go with the old delofted 3 wood instead of the driver also self?....and your driver had a launch angle so low that it worried the local gopher and squirrel population. Why don't you tell mustang here what you did to correct that?
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