Why do I "stand up" during my foward swing???

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Hi Guys (& Brian)...looking for some advice. I'm a 5 handicap and have been having a decent season, but continue to have a bad couple tee shots per round that make a 75 into an 80 and its driving me nuts. During vacation last week my brother took some action photos and I noticed I'm pretty much standing straight up when hitting my driver and longer clubs. I seem to completely lose my posture...sometimes I hit it good, sometimes a block right, and as you can see in the pics...some big HOOKS! I've had lessons with Brian and I know what pattern works best for me, but for some reason I'm doing this weird stand up move at impact w/ my Driver. Just curious if anyone would know the root cause and what to work on. By the way, my "pattern" if you will is kinda adjusted Soft Draw"ish".

I included a pic at the top of the swing so you can get an idea of my posture from the top to this ugly post impact move. I'm practically jumping at the ball. Sorry no video at the moment, but thought these pics would be very telling. I get very "chicken wing" looking as well....weird.




Thanks for any suggestions...just really curious what I'm doing to get myself into such an ugly move.
Thanks everyone!
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Brian mentions a couple of reasons why in Confessions of a Former flipper. Review that if you have. Other then that, I know he did a video answer from his apartment and its on here somewere, I tried to find it but I have limited time since I am at work.
Try searching for it. Search by typing in *.mov or *.flv

I`ll try to find it later.
Thanks Marten. I did rewatch flipper and noticed that segment. I don't seem to do it with all my clubs..mostly just my driver. Maybe my hands aren't as "educated" as I thought.
A couple of observations...
Don't forget about your swing center (which is just forward of your 7th cervical bone (the lumpy one that sticks out from your backbone, just below your neck)), which should roughly stay the same distance from the ground until after impact......yours is rising considerably...

Also another suggestion....it seems your right leg is a tad too extended at this point (pic 2), which means you would have to rise upwards, as your right hip is too high...
Try a drill of doing your downswing and follow through with the right knee more bent as it turns (itself AND the right hip) towards the target (be nice to see more of the sole of your right foot in pic 3...:)), thus shortening the right side..this will make it easier for you to maintain your height from the ground... the feeling is one of hitting off the outside front quarter of the right thigh..
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1st thought is swing too far to right.

Maybe not birdie....if you look at the third pic, if Dustin were to cock his wrists (reverse of backswing move), the clubshaft would be roughly in line with his shoulder line...that is more or less on plane....

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I'm thinking lack of axis tilt at the top, slightly above plane hand position and the stand up is really a back up to find the inside.
Thanks for the responses guys. I'd agree I probably am swinging a little out to right field, although the camera angle probably isn't helping that look.

Puttmad, good observation on the swing center and the right knee. In swing sequences of pros swing, their right foot does more of a roll than just lifting the heel like I apparently do. I'm going to try some swings tomorrow at the range with the attempt to keep that right foot looking a little more normal through impact.

Birdieman, I'll try to get some video later this week if I'm still getting this look after some work. Thanks for the input!

Thanks for the responses guys. I'd agree I probably am swinging a little out to right field, although the camera angle probably isn't helping that look.

Puttmad, good observation on the swing center and the right knee. In swing sequences of pros swing, their right foot does more of a roll than just lifting the heel like I apparently do. I'm going to try some swings tomorrow at the range with the attempt to keep that right foot looking a little more normal through impact.

Birdieman, I'll try to get some video later this week if I'm still getting this look after some work. Thanks for the input!



There are 3 possibilities. As Jim said, (1)you could be trying to fit in your clubshaft. (2) You don't have the flexibility in your calves/ankles, lower back/hamstrings, pelvis, and lats to stay in your posture. (3) you are swinging to the right which pulls the pelvis excessively under and making you stand up.

The only way to eliminate two of these is...see a Golf-Specific Fitness trainer (preferably TPI trained) and get mobile enough to execute this. Get on a launch monitor and get fit into the correct shaft and loft. See Brian or a host of other instructors to get you swinging less to the right.

I would go in that order. If your swinging to the right because the shaft or head doesn't provide enough loft you will be wasting money getting a lesson. The instructor will have you swing less right but the ball flight will be too low for your eye. If your not mobile enough to stay in your posture then you'll hear what the instructor wants you to do, but your body can't do it.

And once you've gotten the first two in check, it's time to fix the problem and see an instructor. Just my thoughts from my experiences.
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That video answer was great. I had had some theories about not having the hands releasing correctly or not having the left cheek not going back enough, but I'm convinced now (for me, when this happens) it's due to an early uncocking casting release - maintain a bit more lag and the hands have room.
Good news :) :) :). Hit every fairway but 1 last night and shot 74 with a couple 3 putts. A lot of my issue I think was just over accelleration. When I sequence my downswing better and release the club more with my entire pivot than just throwing my arms at it, I was really driving the ball great. Hopefully the thoughts will stick...one of my best rounds of the year!
Good news :) :) :). Hit every fairway but 1 last night and shot 74 with a couple 3 putts. A lot of my issue I think was just over accelleration. When I sequence my downswing better and release the club more with my entire pivot than just throwing my arms at it, I was really driving the ball great. Hopefully the thoughts will stick...one of my best rounds of the year!

I have the same problem at times. When I get fast I cast a bit and stand up but when I swing at what I feel is 50 percent and focus on swinging with an on plane motion the hips clear to the left, I maintain posture and keep lag deep in the swing. The high ball flight comes back along with the distance I give up when swinging too fast .
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