Why does left shoulder up work better....

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than right shoulder down for me? If I think right shoulder down the plane line, I lunge at the ball and have a tendency to hit the ball fat. If I think left shoulder up, I swing from the inside and hit the ball very crisp.

Anyone else play better focusing on working the left shoulder up, in and back? For me, I think it helps reduce my tendency to swing over-the-top.


quote:Originally posted by brianman

It works better for about 80% of golfers (according to me, after 25,000 hours of trying both).

The why is worth a video answer.
Brian : would that 80% be mainly swingers and the 20% hitters? I can see thinking about left shoulder up would help maintain pivot lag in the swinger's motion.
I know that educated hands is a major emphasis with TGM, but for me, educated shoulders is almost as important. My swing really didn't come together until I stumbled upon a post by Brian that advocated that the left shoulder goes up, back and in.

Left shoulder up, twistaway and wedding ring up have really become instrumental in my overall swing improvement. Second only to my two lessons with Brian.
Here is where I catch some grief, but I feel that focusing on the left shoulder up helps me pull through the hitting area. I think a pulling action is an aid to lag, which could be the same as what you are referring to with regards to the "L" and wrist cock.


The left shoulder idea has helped me a great deal; can't wait for Brian's video answer as I think that will help a lot of golfers.

Take any beginner. How many of them start to slap at the ball with their hands instead of letting their pivot help them strike the ball? When you let the left shoulder move up and back behind you, the core muscles pull the club down and out (and eventually in).

For me, when I think of driving the right shoulder down, that sometimes throws me off-plane. When I think left shoulder up coupled with wedding ring up and twist-away...the ball gets scared.

I am a swinger and left up is my key too. I tried the right down but it takes a bit of concentration on the tee. I have found by keying on moving my left shoulder back and up, my right works down and forward well with little thought.

If only I could coordinate my release better, I would be happy.

Love to see the video.
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