Why don't you charge for your website?

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I am 4 strokes better simply by checking in on this site daily. I would gladly pay a monthly fee for the feedback, ESPECIALLY the video response section. You have to make a living, and I expect others would pay a small monthly or annual fee for the wealth of knowledge shared here. You teach with a flare unlike any out there.

He gets paid for his free site many different ways. One is recognition, two is the dvd's people buy, three is lessons from people who are site members, and four is people like you get better and for a TEACHER that is a reward in and of itself
Chuck charges, and there ain't no traffic there.

Plus, I don't think a fee, at this time, will compensate Brian enough. He's got bigger dreams.
It's looking better and better
Guys, don't take me wrong. I will pay for whatever Brian produces, but I don't think it is good to charge for the site. I have bought all his videos (except never slice again because it is only in the beta-testing program). I paid for Chuck's site once and stopped. It is worth to pay for Brain's material, but I don't want to pay to read other posts on the site:D

One reason you get a lot of traffic here because it is free. You put restrictions, traffic dies. There is nothing going on at FGI since Justin put some restriction on posting.....[|)]

Brian Manzella

This site is FREE.

This site will STAY free.

Thank you all so much for being here. Without all of you, it wouldn't be this much fun!


quote:Originally posted by brianman

This site is FREE.

This site will STAY free.

Thank you all so much for being here. Without all of you, it wouldn't be this much fun!

Right back at ya, Brian.

This site is a lot of fun and surely that would be dampened if money were involved to read posts and such.
Thanks Brian. I get over here at least once each and every day. I agree about paying but am glad it is free. I also agree that Chucks site has lost traffic of late but I think it may be due to the switch over more than the cost. You can participate on his site in the forums without paying but don't have access to the videos and such. I have noticed a SUBSTANTIAL decrease in traffic there, especially over the last month and a half.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

This site is FREE.

This site will STAY free.

Thank you all so much for being here. Without all of you, it wouldn't be this much fun!


Yippee!!! Yippee!!

Free! Free! Free! Free!

Thank you, Brian
I didn't go to Evans site when it was free. Now, as for this site, when, or should I say, if it were mine, I would have sections of it at a members only section, ESPECIALLY the video response section. To get a top golf professional to take the time to answer specific questions with the quality you do, you should get paid. Keep the forums free, I'll buy that, no pun intended. I was a patient of a psychiatrist for 3 years who was 2 and a half hours away. Ninety percent of my visits were conducted over the phone. Same price. And as you can tell, it worked.

Now, scuse me whilst I go fetch me Zoloft milkshake.
OK digger, got your point. Brian said it is free.

I don't mind Brian opening a paid area for services like evaluating someone's swing. Any one can send their swing to Brain, and he gives advise for a fee, just like you did with your Psychiatrist (sp???). I like to see Brian making a steady buisness that way, and I like to see this site developed in to something like that.

But, answering common questions should be open forum so everyone can debate....

See how intersting the discussions among Mandrin, Misuno and Tom. You think people will pay to read those.....I like Mandrin's ideas, so don't take me wrong.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

This site is FREE.

This site will STAY free.

Thank you all so much for being here. Without all of you, it wouldn't be this much fun!

Will the new site be free?
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