Why golfers need to learn to take it away wider and come in narrower

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swivel chair

just take place on a swivel cair with your legs straightened.
give your self a spin and draw up your legs.
.... huui .... you spin me right round baby right round, like a
record baby round round, round round.:rolleyes:

So taking up momentum with a wide arc, then shortening the
radius gives you looooot :eek: of headspeed (IMO).


bony said:
Why golfers need to learn to take it away wider and come in narrower?
They don't.

Taking it away wider, "widening the arc", achieves nothing because the "coming in narrower" than always has to be the correcting objective.

Widening the backswing arc, generally, moves you off plane and the "narrowing" aspect is what gets you back on plane for the downswing.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
bony said:
Why golfers need to learn to take it away wider and come in narrower?

Because bad players are very narrow with no extensor action on the backswing which makes it much easier for throwaway to happen on the downswing because everything is trying to be thrown out on the ball.
Doesn"t a huge arc = more power for golfers that don't cast the club or flip?

I've been working hard on developing a more 'classic' swing with a huge arc that is mostly controlled by my left hand and a hard leg drive. I feel like the club is a whip and I just allow centrifugal force* to take control. Tee to Green Im smashing the ball with a slight draw.
I think all you need to worry about is having Extensor Action....(if you're thinking of "width," that is).....the when you Load (set) the club.

A later set will require more Float Loading prolly....unless you just Load it late (but fully) in the backswing and Drag Load (just PULL) from the top.

W/e works for you.


self-mastery said:
Doesn"t a huge arc = more power for golfers that don't cast the club or flip?
You cannot "widen" your arc. It is restricted to the length of your leading side arm plus the clubshaft.

This length is "narrowed" as you cock your wrist and bend your right arm and stays that way until you release the club through the hitting area.

Widening of the arc must not be confused with the length of swing - a la John Daley.

Brian Manzella

I can, I can!!!

I can widen my arc.

The Manzella/Doyle/McHatton style pivot does just that.

That feet in the middle of the stance thing does the opposite.


bony said:
Why golfers need to learn to take it away wider and come in narrower?
They don't, as long as they rotate and keep the leading arm straight going back and coming down with lag.
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