Wide on the downswing

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Brian, I'm new to the site. I've been working on COFF for a week with a ton of success. Then I came across Michael Jacobs most recent you tube posts on low point and impact. The part 2 segment just came out yesterday. But I had a chance to watch it this morning and get to the range. I took Michaels thought of pushing the club away from the target kind of like your violin motion in flipper, but pushing away from my leftward moving pivot the two fight eachother until they meet at the low point with more speed than I've ever felt in my life! Brian I was pasting 7 iron 180 yards with no movement. The club face was squaring with no manipulation of wrists there wasn't any time to even think about my wrists or club face it happened too fast. I'ts 1am and I can't sleep thinking about how those shots felt and getting back out there tomorrow.

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Jeremy, I had the same epiphany.

Actually I got it last year, but didn't understand. The Michael Jacobs Video cleared up a lot and got me back to where I want to be.

Yesterday playing and practicing I literally could have spent the rest of my natural life hitting balls; the feeling and ballflight was that pure.
Jared, had another awesome range session. Was working on pushing away in a circle against the ground and having the handle come up and in. After a while I was picking where I wanted my low point to be. Was thinking left shoulder over ball, left shoulder 6" in front of ball whatever the shot dictated. It was great! Then I starting hitting shots from the worst hard packed dirt lies I could find it didn't matter. Super re energized about my game. I've been going through a real low point in my game didn't play in the club championship because of it. I've had many ah ha moments before, but not like this.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
This is the same info Manz gave me over the phone. I had done things like this in the past, even given many lessons to tuggers and over draggers with similar info. Just the proof behind it and a different perspective from Brian and hopefully I wont go away from it again. Shallowest divots, and a piercing slow draw. Never had that ballflight in my life.
I'm really sorry for bringing up an old thread. But I just watched Michael Jacobs video, and I was a bit confused. It sounds like this was a topic that wasn't highly discussed - so I'd love to see what some thoughts are on it again. Seems to be simple (my kind of wording) to understand if someone could go into it a bit more "step by step".

Thanks - and again sorry for the old thread revival.
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