Winter Golf Questions

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ok, it's that time of the year again, getting cold, balls are getting hard, frost delays, wind, and muddy lies.

Here's my questions.

1. What are your keys for keeping a manageable score on bad weather days

2. For those with handicaps, do you think you should be allowed to post scores in the winter or should there be a feeze on scores until Spring.

I know my club allows us to post throughout the year, and I for one, know that my handicap usually goes up 3-4 strokes over the winter.
A golf cart personalized to provide all the comforts of home.
I don't have one, but a couple of friends do. Curtains, heaters,
furry upholstery, food, and drinks. They play all winter in comfort.
Funny, we've got some of the Sr's in our club that have that. Big tarp goes over the cart, heaters inside. I swear the fumes from those portable heaters will kill you..


My position on handicap posting is that if you can't feel your fingers due to winter cold then posting should not be 'required.'
A group of our Members post their scores all year and play off of what the trend would be, even though the scores do not count to their real handicap as that is frozen from October to April. I think that is the best of both worlds because they continue posting (their handicaps mostly go up as conditions worsen) and come April the scores reset to the October number and they go on from there. These winter golfers play all year when possible and have a little game so they need the relatively accurate handicap for their game.
BTW I think posting and having it actually count is crazy as the conditions are no where near as good in the winter and it would take a long time for the handicap to adjust back when the weather turns.

I also think the carts blankets and heaters are absurd and have a group of members that use them...PITA!


A guy I play with has a cart cover, an audio system, and a propane heater in his cart. It's a pleasure to ride with him in frozen conditions. :D
Yeah, we don't freeze scores, so it is definately to your advantage to play in some bad weather and post some big numbers, so you're ready for tournament time in the spring.
Yeah, we don't freeze scores, so it is definately to your advantage to play in some bad weather and post some big numbers, so you're ready for tournament time in the spring.

Where do you play? Appears as though you are implying you are in a Northern clime, therefore, a place where an inactive season is in effect. If so, your Members are wrong. Posting winter handicaps when in an 'inactive season' is wrong. (Please see Section 6-2 re: an authorized golf association converting you rareas can declare an inactive season even though your Club is not a member of that association.)

Your comment concerning posting 'big numbers' 'so you're ready for tournamnet time' flies in the face of everything golf is. Any one who does this is a sandbagger.. I'll refrain from using a stronger word.

See USGA Handicap System Manual, Section 6-2:
6-2. Inactive Season
The authorized golf association having jurisdiction in an area is responsible for declaring the duration of any inactive season. A golf club located within the area covered by an authorized golf association must observe any inactive season established by the golf association, even if the club is not a member of the association. (See Decision 6-2/1.)
Scores made at any golf course observing an inactive season are not acceptable for handicap purposes. Scores made at a golf course in an area observing an active season must be posted for handicap purposes, even if the golf club from which the player receives a Handicap Index is observing an inactive season. The club's Handicap Committee must make it possible for a player to post these away scores prior to the next Handicap Index revision. If possible, the club must re-compute the player's Handicap Index at that start of the active season.
Example: If a player belonging to a golf club in Michigan plays golf in Florida during January, any scores made in Florida are acceptable and must be returned to the player's Michigan golf club. If the player is also a member of a golf club in Florida, scores must be posted to the player's Florida club.

See also Section 8-3b:
b. Scores Made in Inactive Season
Scores made in an area when the authorized golf association has declared an inactive season must not be accepted for handicap purposes (e.g., score made in the New York City area in December). However, scores made in an area having an active season (e.g., scores made in Florida in December) must be posted at the player's golf club at the start of the active season or as soon as practical. All scores from the active season areas must be posted or if there are more than 20, the last 20 plus any eligible tournament score must be posted. If possible, the club's Handicap Committee must re-compute the player's Handicap Index at the start of the active season.

See also Decision 6-2/1:
6-2/1. Establishing an Active and an Inactive Season in the Same Area
Q: In the southern part of a state, golf is a 12-month sport, but this is not true in the northern part of the state. What may the authorized golf association do with respect to establishing an inactive season?
A: The golf association may declare an inactive season for the northern part of the state, but not for the southern part.
I live in far North Georgia, not too far from Tennessee. Today, 43 degrees, cold and wet.

WE play a lot of days here when the weather is in the 30's and 40's, sloppy conditions, cold and windy. Nothing like the Northeast, but it definately impacts the scores. I'd say I typically shoot 3-5 strokes worse in the winter than I do in the Summer. No sandbagging, just tougher conditions, so the scores go up.

Right now our club, doesn't have any rules about posting your scores in the winter, so typically I'll enter the winter anywhere from a 4-7 index and come out of the winter as an 7-10. At least that's what happened the last couple of years. It's about typical with everyone else that plays winter golf at my club.
What club and town, Tball?

Personally, I find the very hot months to be equally as troublesome. I think for '11, I'll just post scores shot in April and October.:)

If the scores go up in the cold and down in the warmth, doesn't it all wash in the end? I played Sunday, and you know what it was like down here - my give-a-damn broke on about the 8th hole in that stuff. If you play year 'round, and try year 'round, I say post 'em year 'round. But don't forget, golf does have a silly season.
Don't think those guys have time to smoke pot, too much scotch to drink.

mgranato, I live in Canton, play at Woodmont. Saturday it was cold and windy and I actually shot one of my best rounds of the year.

suppose to play in a charity tournament this week, should be a muckfest.
Man, I play Woodmont quite a few times a year - good layout. I'm right over off of 20 in Cartersville, and play out of C'ville CC.

Let's get together and play. Glcoach is up the road, I'm sure we can get him too. For all new games, I typically like to get 4 a side - we can always adjust on the next round. :D:p Coach likes to give shots!
Definately, as soon as the weather gets nice, I'll have all of you out to the mont.

Kevin has to be a +4 or +5, so I should be popping on at least 10-12 holes:)
I live in far North Georgia, not too far from Tennessee. Today, 43 degrees, cold and wet.

WE play a lot of days here when the weather is in the 30's and 40's, sloppy conditions, cold and windy. Nothing like the Northeast, but it definately impacts the scores. I'd say I typically shoot 3-5 strokes worse in the winter than I do in the Summer. No sandbagging, just tougher conditions, so the scores go up.

Right now our club, doesn't have any rules about posting your scores in the winter, so typically I'll enter the winter anywhere from a 4-7 index and come out of the winter as an 7-10. At least that's what happened the last couple of years. It's about typical with everyone else that plays winter golf at my club.

As we used to say playing pick-up basketball on outside concrete with a chain-link fence boundary ... no blood, no foul (me of several stitches over my right eye).... Since you're in GA, sounds as if you don't have an inactive season... and you can post scores... I may have to go South in February and March :) after not playing for 4 months :mad: since we cannot post here in Western PA until April 1st.
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