Woody Austin

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Watching the Presidents cup and Johnny Miller said Woody Austin has the best swing of anyone on the team. I was wondering what Brian, Tom, Mike or Jim thought about his swing, and if any one has any video of it. I have been on youtube and watched the videos there but I can't slow it down or pause it.




There is no throwaway in either of the two videos of Woody's Swing.

Per Homer Kelly's Defietion-"Clubhead Throwaway"-Allowing the clubhead to pass the hands during release, and set up a centrifugal deceleration condition.

This simply does not happen in Woody's Swing.

In fact I would have to agree with Johnny Miller it's one of the best Actions at the Presidents Cup. Great Flat Left Wrist at Impact!!!

Sorting Through the Instructor's Textbook.



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What is interesting about his backswing is that he doesn't turn his shoulders 90 degrees and his shoulders stop rotating well before the arms complete their lifting movement. Interestingly, it doesn't affect his ability to perform a synchronised downswing action with good lag.


Brian Manzella

Synchronize This!

What is interesting about his backswing is that he doesn't turn his shoulders 90 degrees and his shoulders stop rotating well before the arms complete their lifting movement. Interestingly, it doesn't affect his ability to perform a synchronised downswing action with good lag.


This is the problem.

There is really NO SUCH THING as a "Synchronized Downswing" if you use the "definition" that "pop" instruction does.

The Pop Instruction definition says that the arms and shoulders should move in unison going back and down—as in the same time.


1. There is NO SET ORDER OF MOVEMENT of the arms and pivot on the backswing. None.

2. The VERY COMPLEX (to define) coordinated movements of the arms and pivot on the downswing, are NOTHING like "turn the pivot and arms through together," as is often INCORRECTLY taught.


I am really disappointed in myself. I should have smartened you up a lot more by now. I will try harder. :)



You would think that all instructors should have some idea about the way kinematic sequencing works by now. There is plenty of info available. Also anyone on this site should know because Brian has explained it a variety of diff. ways.


Oh Yeah.

I forgot to comment on Woody's swing. I think it is a geat motion. I'm not sure I would rank it above everyone on the team...but its very nice. No throwaway there. Sorry.

Also check his number three pp. kinda like dalys.
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This is the problem.

There is really NO SUCH THING as a "Synchronized Downswing" if you use the "definition" that "pop" instruction does.

The Pop Instruction definition says that the arms and shoulders should move in unison going back and down—as in the same time.


1. There is NO SET ORDER OF MOVEMENT of the arms and pivot on the backswing. None.

2. The VERY COMPLEX (to define) coordinated movements of the arms and pivot on the downswing, are NOTHING like "turn the pivot and arms through together," as is often INCORRECTLY taught.


I am really disappointed in myself. I should have smartened you up a lot more by now. I will try harder. :)


Would agree though that it's very common for students to "get out of sync" in the backswing because they use up too much turn too early? I've often seen this leading to a separation of the arms from the chest and poor right elbow positions in the second half of the backswing or arms that simply follow the trunk and end up way too low.

I don't know if you would call this "getting out of sync'" or simply poorly sequenced movements.

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I see some throw away. Wish there was a DTL view.

Compare to Phil or Tiger. The impact right wrist is almost flat like address position. A lot more face rotation than Tiger through impact. He also appears to play the ball back in his stance driver and iron. Stats reveal -Austin at 6' tall 190 lbs drives it shorter than Mike Weir 5'9" 155lbs


Brian Manzella



Would agree though that it's very common for students to "get out of sync" in the backswing because they use up too much turn too early? I've often seen this leading to a separation of the arms from the chest and poor right elbow positions in the second half of the backswing or arms that simply follow the trunk and end up way too low.

I don't know if you would call this "getting out of sync'" or simply poorly sequenced movements.

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The Top of the Backswing position is a place that ALL THE ELEMENTS that make it up, need to be where they need to be.

How they get there is very secondary, but in my opinion, early turning is a MUST for many. Also early DEEP.

Brian Manzella


...The impact right wrist is almost flat like address position....



New member
Brian - you state-: "The VERY COMPLEX (to define) coordinated movements of the arms and pivot on the downswing, are NOTHING like "turn the pivot and arms through together," as is often INCORRECTLY taught."

If you haven't given up trying to educate me, please fell free to expand on this point :)

I may be very opinionated, but I remain open to "new" ideas.



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Brian - you want to know three things that I have learnt from you - that's easy to answer.

1) The correct way to perform a backswing pivot that allows the spine to move naturally to the right.

To quote from your perfect pivot part 1 lesson you stated-: " The spot that should remain stationary is the base of the neck. This ‘spot’ can stay still until the club is two-thirds of the way to the finish of the swing. A spot in the mid-back should also stay near the same position as it occupied at address on the backswing. To learn to do this, have someone stand on the target side of you and ‘play the piano’ so-to-speak, on your spine while you make faux backswings without a club. They should lightly rest the fingers of their left hand along your upper back to the base of the neck and also have the right hand in the mid-back area. As you make the correct backswing pivot their fingers should stay in contact with nearly the same place on your vertebrae."

2) The correct way to move the right shoulder downplane at the start of the downswing, so that the shoulder turn angle is steeper in the downswing than backswing.

To quote from your perfect pivot part 2 piece -: "Coming out of this sit-down position is where the golfer, by way of moving his hips toward the target while keeping his head back, tilts his axis to the right. The precise amount is determined by the movement of the shoulders. They must switch from their backswing plane, well above the ball, to a much steeper plane running just inside the ball."

3) Your idea about hitting the inside quadrant of the ball with a slightly open face rather than trying to hit the center of the back of the ball with a square face.

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