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Here's a laugh at my expense guys.
I was in the kitchen checking my backswing positions and damaged some of the wife's stuff lol

Here's a laugh at my expense guys.
I was in the kitchen checking my backswing positions and damaged some of the wife's stuff lol


i'm not allowed to swing at home anymore...broke too much stuff.


New member
Ha, I love how you knock the thing down and rather than checking the damage you chose to rehearse your backswing again. Classic.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Ha ha, we have all done that before havent we! You just threw it back with your pivot and just could not quite change direction in time to miss the light fittings. Like missing a tree branch at the top of the backswing.

Oh well it's off to IKEA now?
Lol.. I like how you kept on swinging like no big deal that I just broke that.:D I can't tell you how many light fixtures I have had to buy new globes for because I shattered them. Needless to say I am not allowed to swing clubs inside anymore either. Now that is what the garage is for :). Classic
LoL i would do it out in the yard but we live right on a main street next to a red light.
Get tired of all the funny looks from people stopped at the light haha
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