working under the ball:

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i was over at - SwingPlex looking at colin motgomeries swing, and the guy narrating said that he works under the ball to help with his fade swing pattern... can you guys plesase explain what he is talking about...

thanks, duane


The commentator is talking absolute sh!te.
Look at Colin's hips in relation to the guys standing either side of him. Little, if any, backwards hip slide and only a little forward.

Secondary axis tilt - exceptional.
He probably just means he "gathers up the marbels" and swings left. (more)

If not, hopefully whatever he is doing does not get him swinging too far right. He will likely hit pushes, I presume.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Usually that phrase is born out of someone you has high hands or a centered pivot who backs up or drops the right side, working "back" to the plane to fade it. It has nothing to do with swinging left. Nicklaus is a player whom you could say "works back under it".


Usually that phrase is born out of someone you has high hands or a centered pivot who backs up or drops the right side, working "back" to the plane to fade it. It has nothing to do with swinging left. Nicklaus is a player whom you could say "works back under it".


i guess we can say that jb holmes really works under it?

thanks, duane
Speaking of Holmes, did anyone watch golf yesterday? I believe on #18 he hit a monster drive and I've NEVER heard a shot like that. It almost sounded like a softball player with an aluminum bat or something. I don't understand how he hits it so far.

(didn't really matter though, he hit the longest drive of the tourney and still had a bogey)

Brian Manzella

Working Under It...

How about Lee Buck Trevino?

You could also add:

Early 70's Johnny Miller.

Anyone who leans left or has a rotated shoulder turn.

Anyone who is they just "went to the ball" would pull the crap out of it.


I think he means from their position at the top of the swing, if they just went at it with a normal move they would come down and pull the ball left. Usually because they are set up a a little open. So they make an exagerated under move to get the club working on plane.
Ah yesyes I see it now. You guys have it. I was off base.

I am a "to the ball" guy. (TSP)

I am glad I did not post more Saturday night. :D

Saturday night's alright...!

(unless you want to hang on
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