Wrist cock...

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I think I am starting to understand that there should be no conscious effort to cock the left wrist up.

Am I correct in observing that I should bend the right wrist back to straighten out the left wrist but....the folding of the right arm will cock the left wrist? And , there is very little feeling of this actual cocking?

It seems like when I focus on the above, I don't feel a wrist cock up...just right wrist back...and I am able to hold the bent right wrist into and through impact better with a cleaner shot.

When I feel a wristcock up (pronouced), it seems I always hit a bad shot. In other words, my best shots really felt like I had no wrist cock at all. Is this feeling of pronouced wristcock up maybe the double cock Brian says is a no-no???

Also, this is a little different from twistaway for me. When I was working on twistaway, I was folding the RW back hard. From work with video, the RW bends back but not overdone as in the twistaway.
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Brian Manzella

Words are important, aren't they?

The "Twistaway."

All it is, IS an idea, a thought, a feel. It IS what it FEELS LIKE for a golfer who has "always abruptly cocked his right wrist and bend his left wrist, while turning his left elbow toward the sky," to make a Tiger Woods-like backswing, esp. a first half of a Tiger Woods-like backswing.

That golfer, Bill Miracle, was you.

But it ain't you anymo.

So, what does a golfer without the dreaded "always abruptly cocked his right wrist and bend his left wrist, while turning his left elbow toward the sky-DISEASE" do to make a good hand and wrist motion on the backswing?

Well, he could do lots of things, fanning and point and tracing....tracing and fanning and pointing...

Or he could just bend his right wrist back (with no twist) and allow the right arm bend AND GRAVITY to cock his left wrist.

That's all.

No trying to turn the hand to the plane. No tracing and fanning and pointing. Jus bend the right wrist back and swing the hands to the top of the Turned Shoulder Plane.

To be honest, at some point, you won't even try to bend the right wrist back.

You'll just take your hands to a spot and FIRE!
Brian - I believe this qualifies as a follow-up question.

Would the procedure you state above (just bending back the RW) result in a "less open" clubface than if one was to "roll' the back of the LH to the plane? If using a slightly stronger than neutral grip (2 knuckles showing) and achieving a FLW at the top, would you care if the clubface is somewhat "closed" - relative to common golf terminology?

At waist high in the forward swing (shaft parallel to plane line) and using the procedure above, where should the clubface be in relation to "toe up" - slightly more closed than that or slightly more open?

And thanks for your last video answer.

Go Saints - Bruce
Just so we are on the same page...

I'm not sure I got your post. It seems as though you are saying I am feeling an evolution to the learning/feeling process and....that I might be dissing the twistaway.

I definitely wasn't dissing the twistaway.

Since our lesson, I was doing TA but, I was also cocking up both wrists above 1/2 way up in the backswing. I think the cocking up was killing me, not the twistaway.

Since there is a mechanical aspect to the swing and then the feel aspect, I am starting to feel like there is really NO feeling of the wrist cocking up. What I am sensing is that the right arm folding creates a subtle cock up in the left wrist. Feeling a hard cock is a double cock!?!?.

The back motion is twistawayish...only I'm doing it real late, instead of at the beginning. And the only thing I am trying to feel is the back instead of the up.

So, I was just looking for affirmation that this is valid and trying differentiate it from the twistaway.

With dat said....I am thankful for the instruction I have received from you and this site. I think I am finally turning an important corner in my swing development and owe the knowledge of what to do from Brian Manzella and BM.COM

Brian Manzella

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.....--Ben Doyle

I know that Bill.

I was just clearing up WHY we use the twistaway, and when we don't.
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