Wrist Turn & Single Wrist Action????

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Can someone explain the wrist action of Swingers and Hitters? What is Wrist Turn and what is Single wrist action? What is wrist cock, what is wrist bend?


quote:Originally posted by 300Drive

Can someone explain the wrist action of Swingers and Hitters? What is Wrist Turn and what is Single wrist action? What is wrist cock, what is wrist bend?

Get The Book, 300Drive.

Study Chapter 4, specifically 4-C-2. Then hone in on 4-D-0. Then study 7-18 and 10-18, specifically 10-18-C. Then study Chapter 6, specifically 6-B-2-0.

There's work to be done.
the book is woefully inadequate ate describing certain key things. It has only been through such websites as this and one-on-one lessons with others further down the road than me that the book has been illuminated. Ben Doyles video does a great job of explaining the differences, 300drive, but Norwoods book golf-o-metrics is a masterful book about a hitting procedure and Toski/Davis love, jr. have an excellent book on swinging. Good luck!
I bought the book in 1983, PRECISELY because of those questions, the answers to which weren't forthcoming from any other book/publication or from any of the "experts of the time".

Brian Manzella

Here ya go 300:

Swinger Wrist Action: Flatten, Turn and cock going back...uncock THEN roll going through.

Hitter Wrist Action: (Flatten if not already flat) cock going back and let the pivot and fanning right forearm do the turning...uncock and roll together through the straightening right arm going down.

"Karate chop" a table...your wrist is now FLAT, LEVEL and VERTICAL...TURN the hand to the right so that it is palm down...your wrist is now FLAT, LEVEL and TURNED...now COCK the thumb toward you...your wrist is now FLAT, COCKED and TURNED....now UNCOCK it back to LEVEL (The middle finger points straight up the arm), then ROLL it back to the original karate chop position, again it is FLAT, LEVEL and VERTICAL...now ROLL it until the back of your hand is on the table, it is now FLAT, VERTICAL and ROLLED...now UNCOCK your thumb away from you, it is now FLAT, UNCOCKED and ROLLED.
the clearest explanation of the left wrist movement i've ever seen. i still say you should write a book for tgm "dummies". thanks for again sharing your knowledge with us.
quote:Here ya go 300:

Swinger Wrist Action: Flatten, Turn and cock going back...uncock THEN roll going through.

Hitter Wrist Action: (Flatten if not already flat) cock going back and let the pivot and fanning right forearm do the turning...uncock and roll together through the straightening right arm going down.

"Karate chop" a table...your wrist is now FLAT, LEVEL and VERTICAL...TURN the hand to the right so that it is palm down...your wrist is now FLAT, LEVEL and TURNED...now COCK the thumb toward you...your wrist is now FLAT, COCKED and TURNED....now UNCOCK it back to LEVEL (The middle finger points straight up the arm), then ROLL it back to the original karate chop position, again it is FLAT, LEVEL and VERTICAL...now ROLL it until the back of your hand is on the table, it is now FLAT, VERTICAL and ROLLED...now UNCOCK your thumb away from you, it is now FLAT, UNCOCKED and ROLLED.

Great explanation ! Precise and easy to understand. Only thing Brian didn't answer was the "wrist bend" position (which should only be present at address if at all :). Here it goes: From the "Flat level and turned position" lift your hand (not your forearm) off the table, so your fingers point to the sky. Your wrist is now "Bend level and turned"


We're a little off on the Level Wrist Condition.

The Wrist is not Level when the Hand is in the 'Karate Chop' position and the middle finger runs up the Forearm. It is Cocked. Not Cocked to the Maximum, but Cocked nonetheless. See text and Photo 4-B-2. The Wrist is Level when the wrist bone and the edge of the hand (to the knuckle of the first finger) form a straight line. That puts the fingers in a slightly downward pointing mode, not up the Forearm. See text and Photo 4-B-1.

This post is not meant to nitpick. It is meant to clarify one of the most important and misunderstood alignments in The Golfing Machine. Hands positioned with the Wrists Level are noticeably higher than those positioned in the Cocked ('Karate Chop') Condition. The Level alignment has a profound influence on the Stroke, particularly the Plane (both its Angle and Shift Variations); Release Trigger Delay; and the #3 Accumulator Roll through Impact.

This crucial alignment must first be understood. Only then can it be established at Fix and thus scientifically and reliably reproduced at Impact.
I want a little clarification on this topic. Holenone are you saying if I lay my hand plam down on a table and roll it to the thumbs up position I have a slight wrist cock. The reason I ask is the anatomical model shows the wrist at netural in just that position, any movement from that position is either flexion, extension, ulnar or radial deveation. I'm just slightly confused and the fog ain't liftin yet.

That's right, and I just learned this from holen1 some weeks ago, after having read TGM for 21 yrs! "TGM level" is NOT anatomically neutral.
quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe


That's right, and I just learned this from holen1 some weeks ago, after having read TGM for 21 yrs! "TGM level" is NOT anatomically neutral.

Try this. Put your hand down on the desk in the "karate chop" position. Now put your other hand under the forearm,let the muscles of your forearm and wrist stay relaxed, and lift the arm from the desktop. I think you will find your wrist assumes the "TGM Level" position.


quote:Originally posted by BENTONB

I want a little clarification on this topic. Holenone are you saying if I lay my hand plam down on a table and roll it to the thumbs up position I have a slight wrist cock. The reason I ask is the anatomical model shows the wrist at netural in just that position, any movement from that position is either flexion, extension, ulnar or radial deveation. I'm just slightly confused and the fog ain't liftin yet.

Yes, from the anatomically 'neutral' position ('karate chop')you have described, the Level Wrist Condition requires a bit of Ulnar Deviation (a sideways movement of the hand toward the little finger).

However, starting from Level, a noticeable degree of Uncocking remains until the Wrist is fully Uncocked. See text and Photo 4-B-3. With the Flat Left Wrist Level at Impact, this assures that the Primary Lever Assembly (the Left Arm and Club) will not achieve Full Extension until after Impact.
Thanks guys, that now makes sense and the fog is getting thinner.
Now after my rotator cuff repain and 3 months of rehab I can start practice again. By the way can anybody get the TGM book translated into medical terms so I can follow it, LOL.
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