I have a 4 yr old son and just let him swing the club the way he wants to because he is a kid and should just have fun, but at what age do you suggest lessons? Also, I would like for him to start with an AI if possible. Think if he can get the main points at 9 or 10 yrs old then he should be off to a good start.
I wasn't able to get lessons as a kid and if my son really enjoys golf I want him to be able to excel to his ability, so why not give him a solid foundation. I see kids younger and younger these days, but would TGM be to complicated for a kid?
I wasn't able to get lessons as a kid and if my son really enjoys golf I want him to be able to excel to his ability, so why not give him a solid foundation. I see kids younger and younger these days, but would TGM be to complicated for a kid?