Yoda, you are being debated

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by, shall we say, less enlightened seekers on single axis's website. Set em straight. They would appreciate your attention.



quote:Originally posted by diggerdog

by, shall we say, less enlightened seekers on single axis's website. Set em straight. They would appreciate your attention.


Thanks, Digger. Send me the address and I'll check it out. Meanwhile, I've just returned from the TOUR Championship and it's off to dinner with friends. Soon, though, I'll post on Vijay's Practice Routine (Two shafts -- on on the ground and one in the ground, a water bottle, a glove and a Downstroke Waggle). Stay tuned!


quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe


Be very afraid if you go there. They have guys who believe in hitting UP on the ball.

I've got no problem with that, MJ, as long as the Ball is on a Tee and past Low Point! :D


quote:Originally posted by diggerdog

by, shall we say, less enlightened seekers on single axis's website. Set em straight. They would appreciate your attention.


You forgot to warn him that answers or responses not deemed worthwhile will also be deleted or censored. Being a vocal, and ubnoxious, participant in that DG because in part to the intellectual "cancer" was frustrating. Give it a go there Yoda however my money is on one not giving light to any situation.
This should be fun..

Might I add.. there's a thread about you on GEA as well... i'm sure you already know about it though.


Id like to see the debate, at times there is some good info overthere, there are some really great swing clips posted at times.
However at times there are mathmatical models for swings and acceleration that dont teach me anything, but may help some.


The single axis forum isn't an equal society infact it is just the opposite. Peter 'the moderater' has definate ideas that are so set in concrete that any other ideas just won't open. He has even misunderstood when yoda is referencing hitting and swinging (you know that sentence where he wants to add to swinging being quick just after he referenced hitting when it is fairly obvious), probably why he is the usual hacker moderating the lost graveyard of the swings.

I have seen peter with the other forum members loosing arguements and editing posts to what he thinks is important....for his ego...

I don't participate much because I know what that forum is like....
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