Yoda's stationary head

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perhaps the most delightful book I have purchased in a long time is Such A Little Secret, where the premise is to focus on the things in the swing that don't move, namely the right ear hole. With the sun at my back, my shadow indicates my head leaves my back yard over the fence to my neighbors yard. If i concentrate on my head's shadow not moving, the only way seems to have my lower center move back, or swing ala Mike Austin. Is this the hula hoop thingamajig?

Brian Manzella

In a word....Yes.

There is very little doubt that IF----a great big IF---you CAN make a CORRECT RIGHT FOREARM PICKUP, AND! IT takes you (and your pivot) to a place where your right shoulder reaches the turned shoulder plane AND your body doesn't tie in a knot (which means go see a trainer...and I am).................
....Then AND ONLY THEN should you use this procedure (right forearm pickup AND Stationary Head), while you are playing golf.

My current feeling is that IF THE HEAD MOVES the H A N D S aren't yet perfectly educated....so work on the hands and leave the head alone.
I've been working for the last week, trying to copy Ernie Els' swing. He moves his head back about 2 inches in the back swing, forward about 1 inch on the downswing and that's it. No significant movement up and down, forward or back. He does rotate it slightly back on the downswing, and slightly forward on the downswing. For the entire swing, when viewed down the line, his head is inside the circle you typically see in swing analysis programs, even at finish. Another interesting thing is that if you draw a vertical line behind him, he stays dead on it for the whole swing.
I 2nd rcw's request for more on the RFP

Any past threads on this or any other forum would be fine if time constraints .....
attempted to find thread on Golf Machine Forum but to no avail

I still am not quite sure what you mean by right forearm pickup. None of the visualizations I have read so far really register with me.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

Tom Bartlett is almost as big a Stads and PLENTY flexible...

I AM saying that RFP is the best way to go. If you can do it.

Could you expand a bit on the "if you can do it" comment? What would restrict one from being able to employ this?

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