Your best "keep the face open through impact" tips

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Confessions of Former Face Shutters:

Hogan beat the shut face with his "SECRET". If we all list the best tips we've had (which actually worked) we'll find his secret, right?

So fire away!

PS: Mine: Grip it weaker with the right hand

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
weaker right hand grip
make sure to pivot through the entire shot
make sure to have forward lean
left thumb UNDER the club at the top of your swing
purposely feel like you cock both your wrists in the backswing
tell yourself, DON'T hit the back of the ball

one of those should work
Everything that causes a closed face at impact has happened well before impact. The closed face is just an unfortunate biproduct of a huge block cut. At that point, you are just holding on for the ride. You can drag the handle left or work the knuckles under, but those are band-aids.

Dariusz J.

New member
Dariusz, Kevin: What are the characteristics a good pivot for you?

Kevin's answer will be much realistic and pragmatic so listen to him; if you still wanna hear my theoretical ideal - IMO a good pivot is when it alone, without additional conscious help of arms/hands, can deliver the clubface to the square-to-arc position before entering the impact zone.

Confessions of Former Face Shutters:

Hogan beat the shut face with his "SECRET". If we all list the best tips we've had (which actually worked) we'll find his secret, right?

So fire away!

PS: Mine: Grip it weaker with the right hand

I don't understand the whole deal with Hogan's secret. We've got a lot of video of his swing. We can clearly see what he's doing. What am I missing?
Keep the left thumb long with more pressure in the ring and pinky of the left hand
Feel the club a little higher in your hands
Keep the ball position forward
Keep the club in front of you coming down
Open chest to target earlier
Be sure the wrist is slightly cupped at the top
I don't understand the whole deal with Hogan's secret. We've got a lot of video of his swing. We can clearly see what he's doing. What am I missing?

That's just it. It's like the emperor has no clothes! iMO his secret was hard work, supreme inner confidence and a major grip change around 1944/45. One of my mentors when I was young played with him in the famous 1960 US Open. He told me Hogan had the fastest swing of anybody he ever played with and when he HAD to draw it, he slowed it down! Snead claimed he changed his grip and became a body swinger and he (Snead) preferred to swing his arms more. BTW on that famous open Saturday, he hit the first 34 GIR (!) before dumping his wedge in the creek in front of 17 at Cherry Hills.


Hogan had the best answer for this question.

Build clubs with a 5 deg open face.Weak grip.Reverse tumble like crazy in the transition.

Now you can hit hard as you want without fearing a hook.

Dariusz J.

New member
I don't understand the whole deal with Hogan's secret. We've got a lot of video of his swing. We can clearly see what he's doing. What am I missing?

Haha. So find me a single guy who is able to swing similarily to Hogan and get ballstriking results as Hogan did post-secret. Many great pros (not mentioning amateurs) tried (still try) and failed (still fail). That's the cold truth.

And to all - post-secret means that it is after the famous 2-weeks' break from Tour in 1946 when Hogan ADMITTED HIMSELF had an idea lying in bed. He went to the range and discovered the idea worked like a charm. The stronger he hit the better results he had - nice small powerfade. Then he put it into competition and won several tournaments that year and later on.
Could say more but do not want to be accused once again to wste a thread into another Hogan debate.

Thanks for the replies.

Everything that causes a closed face at impact has happened well before impact. The closed face is just an unfortunate biproduct of a huge block cut. At that point, you are just holding on for the ride. You can drag the handle left or work the knuckles under, but those are band-aids.

ekennedy: On first reading this my first impression was that it is nonsense. After thinking about it, I can see your point. But you haven't mentioned any factors which lead to the closed face. Would you care to mention the most important factors for you?

No BS, but I have been right about a lot of things to do witht the golf swing over the years, much of which flew in the face of convention. I have also been wrong about a number of things, much of which was in line with convention.

My hypothesis: conventional thinking that the pivot determines clubface alignment is misguided. It's a hands issue. In other words, you can pivot how you like and still have an open/shut/square face at impact. Any takers?
Haha. So find me a single guy who is able to swing similarily to Hogan and get ballstriking results as Hogan did post-secret. Many great pros (not mentioning amateurs) tried (still try) and failed (still fail). That's the cold truth.

And to all - post-secret means that it is after the famous 2-weeks' break from Tour in 1946 when Hogan ADMITTED HIMSELF had an idea lying in bed. He went to the range and discovered the idea worked like a charm. The stronger he hit the better results he had - nice small powerfade. Then he put it into competition and won several tournaments that year and later on.
Could say more but do not want to be accused once again to wste a thread into another Hogan debate.


Off topic but here's a response...Spider had that look and was pretty dang good. RIP


Moe was the straightest most consistent ballstriker ever,not Hogan.Moe couldn't putt so he had ballstriking competitions with Knudson who was also a great ballstriker.The rules were you didn't have to putt.If you hit a fairway and the other guy missed it,you win $20.Same for hitting a green.If you hit a flagstick you win $100.Needless to say Moe took George's money gladly.In one round he hit 6 flags.

Take that Hogan!!LOL

Dariusz J.

New member
Moe was the straightest most consistent ballstriker ever,not Hogan.Moe couldn't putt so he had ballstriking competitions with Knudson who was also a great ballstriker.The rules were you didn't have to putt.If you hit a fairway and the other guy missed it,you win $20.Same for hitting a green.If you hit a flagstick you win $100.Needless to say Moe took George's money gladly.In one round he hit 6 flags.

Take that Hogan!!LOL

I won't go into another Hogan vs. anyone (especially vs. Moe that I put on the same high pedestal as Hogan and explained in detail my opinion about him in one bigger earlier thread), as said. Especially with you...LOL.


P.S. Nice copy from an article that you just have prolly been directed to very recently...ROFL.


I won't go into another Hogan vs. anyone (especially vs. Moe that I put on the same high pedestal as Hogan and explained in detail my opinion about him in one bigger earlier thread), as said. Especially with you...LOL.


P.S. Nice copy from an article that you just have prolly been directed to very recently...ROFL.

ok don't get your knickers in a knot
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