your logo

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I have a question about the image in the logo.
I suppose that the position shows followthrough where the arms are straight. Why does the club still point nearly straight down? Since it's considerably past the low point, shouldn't it be leaning back more? In a lot of the pictures of the similar position used by TGM instructors, their pictures look similar to yours, but when I look at swing video, the pros usually look like the shaft is pointing more towards the target rather than almost straight down? If we do it your way then will we get the same amount of distance?

I'm just wondering why the TGM pics all look like yours, but most of the Tour pros look like their pointing towards the target (and at waist-high some of them have their back of their right hands parallel to the target line).

(although I do remember the pic of Lee Trevino that you posted. But other than that....)

For my money that is not the end of the follow through.

Left wrist is arched
Right wrist is bent
Right arm not straight.

Just one heck of a driving lag position which probably indicates maximum acceleration through the ball.

it's lee trevino from the early 70s.......

like brian told brad redding when we were all looking at the trevino photograph which is the above logo.....redding said that "trevino must have hit that shot to the right"......brian told redding...."yah, right to the hall of fame"
The post is right. The left arm should line up with the shaft, it is out of line. There are some pics of mac o'grady hitting both right and left handed with the same type impact position with the ball back in his stance. He was asked about it and he said he hit the shots dead right. If trevino positioned the ball far forward it wouldn't matter or the fact he aims 30-40 yards right so yes he does did and will hit it dead right like couples.


Brian : I went into a charity shop the other day and got The Golden Greats of Golf video for £1. It has lots of old time players on it and has footage of Traveno on it which I have watched over and over. On the FGI forum there was a post on the Ballard method where a guy was trying to figure out why he was so short using that method. This guy dastallion who seems to know what he is talking about suggested working on lag and " impact hands". How would you define impact hands ? The image of impact hands I have is a cross between the aiming point concept and a visual image of Traveno in your logo.

Brian Manzella

BTW....I am, of course dastallion...the Italian Stallion ;)

Address Hands: Flat Right, Bent Left

Impact Hands: Flat left, Bent Right


by chance, today, I saw a drawing/picture similar to the logo, and it was described as a block position. Would the tendency be to hit it to the right?
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