"Your Mind is in Your Hands......" PLEASE Explain

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Brian and others, Please explain why this is suppose to work, and comment of if it does. Do you or anyone you know do this?


When you can feel what your hands are doing during the entire swing, you can hit any shot. Feel the back of the left hand as if you were hitting a backhand in tennis with overspin, or cut, depending on the shot you want.

Feel the thumb of your left hand staying on plane, and the forearm rotating.

Feel the palm of your right hand staying on plane and the wrist bending back.


Simply because the club is moved by the hands, which are supposed to "listen" to what the "Mind" wants them to do.

Brian Manzella


From my upcoming video tape Do It Right! (How to swing BETTER than the pros):

"Imagine you are a shortstop. If you waited for a 'coach' to throw you a ball and IN THE AIR the coach would call 1st 2nd or 3rd. When he called it your HAND would TELL your body to pivot correctly for the neccesary throw. (you mind was in your hands).
Also, what if the ball was a normal baseball....or a ball filled with lead...or with cotton. You HANDS would tell you body different things, such as more 'sit-down' with the lead ball."

There you go Ed...a freebee :]
OK, I "see" the logic of why it is suppose to work, now.....

Answer my second question, "do you or anyone you know play this way, with your mind in your hands while you are swinging?"</u> OR, is your mind on the Target????, or somewhere else?


quote:Originally posted by brianman


From my upcoming video tape Do It Right! (How to swing BETTER than the pros):

"Imagine you are a shortstop. If you waited for a 'coach' to throw you a ball and IN THE AIR the coach would call 1st 2nd or 3rd. When he called it your HAND would TELL your body to pivot correctly for the neccesary throw. (you mind was in your hands).
Also, what if the ball was a normal baseball....or a ball filled with lead...or with cotton. You HANDS would tell you body different things, such as more 'sit-down' with the lead ball."

There you go Ed...a freebee :]

Nothing new there..... Penick - take dead aim. Knudson - target focus, make motion towards the target. Or EdZ - practice your shortgame like shooting freethrows, react to the target.

Or simply - Educated Hands.....

Twist and swivel Brian.... twist and swivel ;)


Why would you think that? I know you know your stuff, and as I have said, so do many others, including myself. So if you are going to claim to be the 'best there ever was', I'd simply like to see some supporting evidence. Honestly, I hope you do live up to that. I agree that instruction is, in many cases, seriously lacking, and I'd LOVE to see people playing better golf.

It can only be good for the game.

You like to post with your ego, and I'm calling you on it. Back off the ego, respect others posts and opinions, and you will have a MUCH better chance of living up to your hype. If I, or anyone else, posts something you don't agree with, try explaining WHY you disagree, and support it with information, rather than posting jr. high crap like YOU ARE WRONG, GOT IT?.... I mean really, what does that do?

What goes around, comes around.... look at Martee. He knows how to disagree without being disagreeable, and how to support his views with information. I respect that. He also doesn't claim that he has come up with something original, when he hasn't, and gives credit where it is due. When I see someone claiming something as their own, that isn't, I'll provide the information to give credit where it is due.

So if we can all get back to the point, and help people play better golf, and respect others, than everyone is better off.

GOT IT? :)
Struggling golfer would appreciate a response to my second question (in the midst of a minor-beef between you two). Not that you have to anwser the question, just curious about your reply (if any). Thanks.


300 - yes, I do play that way, although more for shortgame. For full shots, I imagine a window in the sky that is my apex - really helps you control the ball well (Toski/Love image, from "how to feel a real golf swing", a good book, worth a read).

The feel for the shortgame is more of a 'toss the ball underhanded', and the hands/club 'flow' with that feel. The smoother you make your swing, the more you can feel this.... there isn't a 'hit'
quote:Originally posted by EdZ

300 - yes, I do play that way, although more for shortgame. For full shots, I imagine a window in the sky that is my apex - really helps you control the ball well (Toski/Love image, from "how to feel a real golf swing", a good book, worth a read).

The feel for the shortgame is more of a 'toss the ball underhanded', and the hands/club 'flow' with that feel. The smoother you make your swing, the more you can feel this.... there isn't a 'hit'

I'll buy that reply, hook-line-and sinker. That sounds like it works. I couldnt imagine "my mind in my hands" while swinging the big stick, for example. Short-game, yes.

The logic is that it is easier to control your hands than the club. If you move your hands, the club moves with them. You feel the pressure of the club in your hands if you put your mind on the hands. The hands move a shorter distance than the club throughout the swing and it provides more precision to move them instead of putting your mind on the club and trying to move it.
quote:Originally posted by mgjordan

The logic is that it is easier to control your hands than the club. If you move your hands, the club moves with them. You feel the pressure of the club in your hands if you put your mind on the hands. The hands move a shorter distance than the club throughout the swing and it provides more precision to move them instead of putting your mind on the club and trying to move it.

Got the logic. Just wondered if YOU actually do this when YOU swing on full shots</u>, or do you have the target in your minds eye, or do you focus on something else. This "swing thought" just doesnt seem practical (e.g., I wonder how many players with thier tour card have their minds in there hands, while swinging on full shots....not many I bet).
I try to feel my hands as much as I can. If I have the target in mind, I'm done with because I start coming over the top. The target is taken care of after I setup to the shot. I focus on the ball when I am swinging. I always use swing thoughts. I usually can hit balls for 15 minutes before I play and narrow it down to one thing that just clicks. Then, I just use that thought as the "secret" to golf for that day and run on autopilot.


Another note on this 300.... for short game, I find it best to pick a spot and aim/focus on that spot, and the 'toss' (trajectory) needed to get there. That spot is almost never the hole, but rather the spot you have to toss the ball 'towards' where gravity will allow it to 'fall' down to the hole.

Based on that, every putt is a straight putt to your spot, although in reality, you will almost never roll the ball over the spot you pick (think of an archer, aiming higher, the ball falls immediately).

Same goes for reading your chips and pitches.

I agree with Pelz, that the spot you pick is almost always 3 times what you 'see', which is unfortuately the line most people try to hit, and why most finish on the low side.

'flow' your 'swing' 'toward' that spot, with no 'hit', but a smooth tempo, allowing gravity to be your friend, aim high.

When you do that, you'll start to feel it in your hands... and really, your whole motion.

When you can trust it, your shortgame will get a lot better.
Agree with Ed and MJ on "feeling the hands" but have yet to have my mind in my hands while I swing and then execute a good shot. Maybe its more practice and concentration, and maybe, its not a good swing thought.

Short-game is feel and reaction. Pick a spot and feel the flow to that spot. But, I am not thinking about my hands while executing the shot. I am "feeling the target".

For those who have not talked to him, the "mind in the hands" is something B. Doyle espouses (amoung other things). I have his tape (A++) and 2 rentals on order. But, this one I dont get. Ed, I love the image of seeing the ball at the apex in the sky, thats a wonderful thought.

Brian Manzella

300: My MIND is ALWAYS in my hands...when it leaves...bad shot.

Edz...man...what does a brother have to do?

You can't produce an example of this ATTITUDE towards other OPINIONS on the golfswing, if I say something it ALWAYS has substance!
quote:Originally posted by brianman

300: My MIND is ALWAYS in my hands...when it leaves...bad shot.

OK, and so.....that means.....you are following your hands throughout the swing from address, to the top, and through the ball, to a finish...OK, If you say you do that, then you do. But, if its important and helpful, why is Doyle the only one I have yet to hear this from AND what does that say for 99.9% of the other written suggestions on having the target in mind. One last thing, do you know if D. Toms has his "mind in his hands?"..

Basically, I dont buy this concept and think it stinks, and have yet to hear an explanation that makes sense from a "practical" perspective. Theory is a whole nother story.
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