Zach Johnson

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His swing seems to be very familiar to Brians. Very short, compact and effective. I can get the short, compact back swing but from impact on I don't quite understand home they do not flip the club head over and have a low exit? How do you keep your club head squarer longer to the target?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I love Zach's swing and how he's playing but he has a super strong grip and developed an angled hinge motion to keep the ball straight. So what happens under pressure? He overcooks the hinge and ends up with a hook.

I wish him the best though i think he's going to be a big star
I know Zach. His instructor is Mike Bender. Mike teaches a rounded swing like Jim Hardy. Zach is about a nice of person as you would ever want to meet. He hasn't change since he was second man on his college golf team. He has come a long was as a golfer. His mind is his best assist. He is very stable mentally and a good putter. He swing is his own. He doesn't have a classic swing. His hands are extended as address. He just takes it back on his turned shoulder plane and then right backdown to impact. A nice simple motion that repeats under the gun. No double shift there.:)


quote:Originally posted by Iowagolfpr

I know Zach. His instructor is Mike Bender. Mike teaches a rounded swing like Jim Hardy. Zach is about a nice of person as you would ever want to meet. He hasn't change since he was second man on his college golf team. He has come a long was as a golfer. His mind is his best assist. He is very stable mentally and a good putter. He swing is his own. He doesn't have a classic swing. His hands are extended as address. He just takes it back on his turned shoulder plane and then right backdown to impact. A nice simple motion that repeats under the gun. No doulbe shift there.:)

angles can make pictures deceiving, but in the april golf magazine sequence zach's swing seems to have a MORAD/Mac O'Grady-like look to it w/ a slight movement to his left (targetward) side on the backswing ... do u know if he focuses on not shifting to his right on the backswing and that is what his teacher teaches or is it merely a photographic illusion? thanks.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
All i know is that i love his swing but because of the way he swings and his grip, imo he is very suspectable to a big hook under pressure. Granted he doesn't do it often but i have seen him do it on TV here and there
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