Zach Johnson

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Kostis did a swingvision of Johnson hitting an iron off a tee on todays telecast. Hopefully it will appear on Youtube.
He stays very connected going back. left arm connected to chest. His follow through looks alot like how Justin Leonards follow through looked. My follow through is also like this. Its called swinging left.
Interesting - lines up the toe of the club with the ball (very TGM) and has quite alot of wrist cock at address (is this "accumulator 3 angle"??) but at impact seems to be on TSP so he is not using that accumulator 3 angle through the impact region.

Hands are low ( hands only plane at address) shifts to elbow plane halfway back then TSP at top/end of backswing and stays on TSP on downswing.

Good motion.

His left hand grip looks strong and he has a limited swivel after impact ( keeps the left arm pretty straight)... these must be connected?? Any early mis-timed swivel would surely go way left??
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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
His left hand grip looks strong and he has a limited swivel after impact ( keeps the left arm pretty straight)... these must be connected?? Any early mis-timed swivel would surely go way left??

Yup, it's all to prevent a hook, same reason why he has more "centered" head pivot look. Like a couples or old duval. Keep it from hooking.
Yup, it's all to prevent a hook, same reason why he has more "centered" head pivot look. Like a couples or old duval. Keep it from hooking.

Thanks Jim, are there many players who retain alot of wrist cock ( accumulator 3 angle) at impact...?? Isn't there is a theoretical advantage of more power through accumulator 3(forearm roll) if you retain wristcock angle at impact??

Why do you think Zach likes to use such low hands at adjusted address?? just habit??
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