Zurich Classic of New Orleans '05

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Lisa Manzella

Manzella Golf Academy BrianManzella.com Administra
I am in The "Cresent City" (New Orleans) to attend the PGA TOUR stop, now called the Zurich Calssic of New Olreans on a brand new TPC of Louisiana golf course.

I will take some video and post whatever is worth lookin' at.;)

Brian Manzella


I went to the London Golf Show at the weekend. This guy David Blair was demonstrating his "Correct" throwaway flip swing. Have a look at his throwaway drill.Go to the "Swing" and take a look at his The Half Swing Exercise


He got a big crowd watching his demonstration and was convincing people that the wristy flick through the ball was the way to go because it generated club head speed. Really sad. This guy is a cross between Tony Blair (BSer) and David Blaine (an illusionist) . It was shocking . The sad thing was how many people were buying into it.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Hue.....go do an experiment:

Take a swing speed meter and check your swing speed with no throwaway for like 10-20 balls.

Then check your speed WITH throwaway for 10-20 balls.


Hit about another 50 balls with your drive WITH THROWAWAY and tell me how your wrists/forearms feel the next day ;)

Do it right and you'll NEVER involve that wrist again. Ask me how i know? ;)
quote:Originally posted by hue

This guy is a cross between Tony Blair (BSer) and David Blaine (an illusionist) .

As you fellow countryman, I buy Blair (and Bush) . I don't buy the press or certain Broadcasting companies. Keep your political rants to yourself on a Golf forum please. :)


quote:Originally posted by BigBadDonkey

quote:Originally posted by hue

This guy is a cross between Tony Blair (BSer) and David Blaine (an illusionist) .

As you fellow countryman, I buy Blair (and Bush) . I don't buy the press or certain Broadcasting companies. Keep your political rants to yourself on a Golf forum please. :)
No problem. with your sound judgement of character David Blair's swing method should be right up your street:D
Lol, well I need something to cure this damn flat laid off swing of mine :( . Brian any chance of doing a video on howwhy people get flat too steep etc.
Kinda like a faults and fixes type video.. Sorry for the title but you get the idea.
I would pay any teacher 'alot' , if he could cure me.
Flat .. When I stand (the correct distance) in front of a hedge (trying to stop itcure it) My club goes straight into the hedge (Raymond Floyd, John Daly like, maybe not as bad lol) just after half way back. At the topend of backswing my position not so bad.. maybe a *little* low and laid off but I get it up there, but arched wrist and closed clubface.
I get my Camcorder soon so this should help but I think it's a combination of my arms going round too much and over bending my right wrist. It's not over rotating my left or right wrist that's for sure.
But I've been hitting the ball so well, it's annoying, my swing is ugly.
When I take my arms straight up it feels *ridiculous* (way off plane etc.) .. this maybe due to me overdoing the twist away move, because when I take my arms straight up like this the clubhead gets well closed and my left wrist way too arched.
Also I have this dilema with the first start of the takeaway. If I give the club a little 'push' (diagonally away from my body it feels like) with my left arm, with shoulder turn (feels like no lateral motion of left arm.. carrying motion as you call it?) , I don't get arched at the top (no over doing the twist away issue) .
If I take the club back with my triangle or right forearm and no discrimination from wrists (think hitters takeaway) I'm back to arched left wrist at topshut club face. The clubhead gets very shut even halfway back) .
I've been trying to get those thumbs up half way back and feeling sticking that club at the sky but then I slice it.
Also I can't seem to get my right elbow above my left arm at the halfway stage in back swing (See Lynn Blake's backswing). I can see yours is above your left arm.
Sorry, bit of a jumbled mess there.
quote:Originally posted by BigBadDonkey

quote:Originally posted by hue

This guy is a cross between Tony Blair (BSer) and David Blaine (an illusionist) .

As you fellow countryman, I buy Blair (and Bush) . I don't buy the press or certain Broadcasting companies. Keep your political rants to yourself on a Golf forum please. :)

Maybe Blair and Bush should take up golf instruction and show them Iraqi's how to escape from a bunker you never know maybe they might not be so hostile if you show them what games that are played in a Democracy.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

I am off to the Tournament again early this mmorning...will post a bunch tonight.

Thanks Brian... I done alot of work today, just practising with a club, no ball. I think I bend my left wrist on backstroke instead of retaining it's level (slight cup at 'address' for me) . So I just keep on bending on the backswing and throw it way behind me. Just a *guess*... very hard to see without me seeing my swing.
But actually doing this under pressure with a ball down there .. hmm that's another matter.
Your thumbs underneath the shaft helped me at the range yesterday I gotta admit.
What are your thoughts on the backswing described as combination of these two motiones :-
Left arm goes straight 'up' (no *lateral* movement, straight up in air, retaining wrist angle, so if you stood motionless at address\no pivot, the clubshaft would be above your head poinitng directly behind your back), whilst turning shoulders to get the club on plane? I've heard some people describe it like this .. what do you think?
If I do this I feel it is 'slicey' . Maybe I'm pushing the left arm out too soon.
Cheers, Danny.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
i read on bombsquadgolf that someone went to the tournament and saw DT on the range and he said he was REALLY striking the ball well, i wonder why? ;)

I should ask if he saw a short stocky guy with him haha
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