Recent content by dashfan87

  1. dashfan87

    well... I think its about time for me to take a break...

    Friday, I played the second to last 18 holes with my dad, at the course he works at. You see, for a little over two years now he has worked at this course which has gotten us free golf, whenever we feel like. It has been great... little part time job for him after retirement, and free golf for...
  2. dashfan87

    Ahhh the D-Plane...... (question for BManz)

    Brian, I ask simply to inquire. Are you planning on doing a video explaining your thoughts on the D-Plane and how to effectively use it in your game. You talk about it so much on here, and over time, I have been able to grasp more and more of how it works, but not enough to truly start using it...
  3. dashfan87

    manzella.... neutral???

    So... for a while now I have thought that I had the "manzella neutral" grip down pat... not so much, at least I don't think. the other day I was out playing with my dad and after a hard faught 42:( on the front, we get to the 10th hole a 310 yard dogleg right par four, where i squib a 3 iron...
  4. dashfan87

    Shrinking Golfers

    Out of curiosity... how tall are you, Tom Bartlett? You look about the same size as me (in girth..)
  5. dashfan87

    Quick Question....

    What happend to Justin Rose.....?:confused: I haven't seen or heard anything about him, in ages, and I just realized it when I saw his swingvision on you tube..
  6. dashfan87

    My dad... His swing... His pattern...

    So, My dad is an old guy... he turns 60 this month... He taught me the game, and for that I'm grateful and because I'm so grateful I want to help him. As has been mentioned in posts before, we saw a swing coach about 2 or 3 years ago and he had him going flat, and belt buckle at the ball on...
  7. dashfan87

    Point me to the isle with the sugar please...

    Ok, I have been seeing a lot of talk about the "shaking the sugar off" someone please fill me in as to what this is, I missed it somewhere along the way and it seems to be implemented into everyone's patterns now... thanks in advance guys.
  8. dashfan87

    Friend of mine is just starting out.

    Hey guys, buddy of mine is starting out cold... good news is he is athletic. He doesn't have an overly exaggerated over the top move, but he his slicing, its a pretty bad push slice... hes got to be keeping that club face wiiiiide open on the down swing and at contact. Tips on what could help...
  9. dashfan87

    So, today I became an American statistic...

    I know this is a golfing forum, but, when things like this happen, you are willing to try anything... Today, without warning, I was laid off from my job. I starting working for this company at the end of December. I was hired on for my experience in the facilities management of legal firms...
  10. dashfan87

    found this on youtube... swing vision of a hacker...

    so, just thought this was interesting. To see a hackers swing, in super slow mo. enjoy!... or cringe...:o wow... can you say open clubface...
  11. dashfan87

    some observations in myself... help me figure out how to fix....

    So, after some practice the past 3 days, I have come to a few conclusions... one, im not open enough at impact with my hips, I read a post earlier that said you want your zipper to be pointed at target at impact... all the great players do it. How the hell do I do this, Im starting to wonder...
  12. dashfan87

    another "HELP!" thread...

    So, I haven't touched a golf club in over a month until today... the results? I was hooking like a mother... oh my gosh, I DONT hook... if I get wild, i slice, I couldn't keep from hooking the ball today... and the looser and easier I swung, the worse the hook got. Distance dropped with every...
  13. dashfan87

    golf... and the newly married man.

    So, I just got married recently... november the 15 for all who care. Now I guess you can say, I am the classic American man, golf is my hobby, I work at a law firm, and Im married. Never ever thought that I would be THAT guy... anyway, I found that while I am going through a Tiff with the...
  14. dashfan87


    Gustav.... Hey, I saw hjack post on this in another thread, but Im starting its own thread... How are all of you guys doing in Louisiana, preparing for the storm? I havent been paying much attention to it, but I heard on the news last night that it looks to be heading toward New Orleans...
  15. dashfan87

    Your thoughts?

    So, here is my swing... and after looking at it on video... I am convinced that I am flipping... at the very least sweep releasing... I DO NOT want to do this... looks like I will be buying Confessions... anyway, if you see the same thing as me, or have advice on how to stop doing this... let...