My dad... His swing... His pattern...

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So, My dad is an old guy... he turns 60 this month...

He taught me the game, and for that I'm grateful and because I'm so grateful I want to help him.

As has been mentioned in posts before, we saw a swing coach about 2 or 3 years ago and he had him going flat, and belt buckle at the ball on the back swing.... My dad started to use some of this, and it was working... for about a month... then he started to go down hill.
Around this time, he was getting to be about a 12 handicap, and me as well... we competed like every round (me coming out on top by a shot every 18 hehe)
He started to lose distance, and blamed it on his age... Im sorry, the man is a 6 foot German that hasn't weighed less than 200 since I was conceived and was a Fireman for 30 years... He has the muscle, to hit it long. Hell, I hit it long. and im shorter and smaller than him.

Ill list his club lengths:
Driver - 210
3wood - 180
5wood - 170
(doesnt use 3 or 4 iron)
5 iron - 150
6 iron - 140
7 iron - 130
8 iron - 115
9 iron - 100
Pw - 80

Its dismal.... and really really really really embarrassing for him...

Im going to try and get video of his swing on here if I can get out with him tomorrow...

His Pattern:
Sets up WAAAAAY right, with hands slightly forward, he has some LCT from being old school, but his backswing is IN and FLAT and LAID OFF with an arched left wrist at the top. Hits pulls like the dickens... but hes Aimed for it... knows how to hit draws or fades though... Hits it SOOOO short he should be playing from the ladies tees. his follow through is usually a little abrevieated but thats not the problem... its the backswing. I have tried to get him to do some soft draw like stuff, be he doesnt like the feel... he is stuck stuck stuck on this flat laid off swing, and its been KILLING his golf for the past 3 or so Years...

Help me Help him.
post it, let the experts see

EDIT sorry, didn't see this: "m going to try and get video of his swing on here if I can get out with him tomorrow..."
I'll just throw in this thought. Turning 60 is meaningless if you have retained your flexibility. I play in a Seniors Golf league twice a week. We have our share of people in their 60's that physically look 70. Many of them used to be fair players, but now simply can't generate the clubhead speed to hit it very far. Then there are others that have retained their flexibility better. It's not necessarily about being strong. I can see how the new flatter more X factor swing would not work for people as they age.

Actuallly, the regular winner of Low Gross is 68 years old and around scratch. Last tournament the winner was 76 years old and he shot even par (made every putt so I hear).
I played with a guy 76 who is a four handicap last summer. You could not tell his age by his swing, upright, crossed the line, great swing. I would tell your Dad to get SD video, I think it would be a great pattern for a senior.
Barring any kind of abnormality, disability, or general lack of physical ability (which seems not to be the case)...

No way he shouldn't be hitting it further. That's a 'period.' (end of sentence)

Oh yes!
I'll just throw in this thought. Turning 60 is meaningless if you have retained your flexibility. I play in a Seniors Golf league twice a week. We have our share of people in their 60's that physically look 70. Many of them used to be fair players, but now simply can't generate the clubhead speed to hit it very far. Then there are others that have retained their flexibility better. It's not necessarily about being strong. I can see how the new flatter more X factor swing would not work for people as they age.

Actuallly, the regular winner of Low Gross is 68 years old and around scratch. Last tournament the winner was 76 years old and he shot even par (made every putt so I hear).

It's why--so long as he wants to compete--Vijay is anything but washed up.

(or at least the potential is still there)

I'm much older than your Dad, so can speak from experience. He should be able to hit it further. A new driver, fitted, and improved technique will get him some extra yards. Maybe increase the accuracy as well. Also suggest seeing BM. I did, and it made a world of difference.

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