100 yards in question

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there are instructors that say that the weight should stay on the left foot on the shots..this is reverse pivot territory for me..is this a valid way to shoot the short shots..from pitching wedge to lob wedge..:)

Brian Manzella

Less than full shots.

On these less than full shots, the real ememy is SLACK.



How much you can turn your hips toward the target while your shoulders stay still. Also, how far you can move your arm/hands/club unit (the Power Package) without moving your shoulders.​

The answer is a Delayed Pivot with a Delayed Hip Action.

In DELAYED "Hip Action," the Shoulders pull the hips around on the backswing and the Hips pull the shoulders on the downswing. By configuring the "Open-ness" of the stance, how much weight is on the left foot, and how much you use the knees to stop the Shoulder Turn, you can precisely make what FEELS LIKE a FULL BACKSWING and a "normal" downswing, and hit it a precise distance.

The DELAYED Pivot is simply this "restricted" backswing pivot and a "normal" downswing pivot. :cool:

Then, all you have to do is control SPEED, SHAFT LEAN, and COMPRESSION and you'll be as good as anyone with the wedges.
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